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Chocolate Green Smoothie Recipe

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Sorry, I just had to share what I made this morning. A Green Smoothie that tastes like a chocolate milk shake. Maybe it will help someone :)


I made home made almond milk- soaked a cup of almonds over night, blended with 3 cups of water, put in a nutmilk bag and squeezed out the almond milk.


Blend almond milk, raw cacao powder, frozen banana, and kale, some honey.

I added frozen blueberries and a spoonful of maca but they are optional.


Chocolate milkshake only healthy :) The green is hidden by the chocolate and kale is virtually tasteless.


There must be a zillion variations on this. My family will drink vivid green smoothies nowadays but as winter is coming on here, this might be a nourishing alternative.

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OH!!!! I'm laying on the couch with a sore throat and cough for Mother's Day. Can't you just make one for me??? Pretty please?


Well, for you I would make a hot lemon and ginger drink, then a carrot, celery, kale and apple juice. Maybe a hot pot of chicken and vegetable soup with lots of chilli and garlic. There you go :)

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