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Who's been to Perth? Thoughts?

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Random thought for the day. One of my Swiss brothers-in-law is moving to Perth in a few months. He's coming to our place this Friday and will spend a few weeks in this neck of the woods. Then he'll head back to CH and wind down life there in preparation for spending the next decade or so in Australia. So of course, as I always do when someone I know moves, I'm developing a newfound interest in Perth. Hans was there years ago when he traveled Down Under. Anyone Perth folks on board here? Tell me about it!

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I've only spent a short time there myself, but I found it to be a nice, fairly quiet city; a long way from everywhere else (meaning the East coast where most of us are.) You can travel up the coast to Exmouth in a day, if you really want to. The beaches heading up that way are probably the prettiest I've ever seen. You're best off interrogating Peela ;)


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a long way from everywhere else (meaning the East coast where most of us are)


Yeah, it's wa-a-a-y over there! Hans was in Australia for a few months, so he was able to go all over the place. He went up and down the East soast, drove a-a-a-all the way across the country ~ the whole shebang. I have hopes of getting there, but I've never had in mind to visit the left coast. I've heard the beaches are incredible, like you said. And obviously, something about the area captivated my bil, since he's going to go back and actually live there. (He's stayed there a couple of times before for several months each time.) Just seems like such a long way from anywhere else, but I suppose it's all a matter of perspective, eh?

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  • 1 month later...

Cant believe I never noticed this thread! I just decided, for something to do, to search the boards using my name in the search box. Sometimes I wonder if someone asks me a question or something in a thread that I never go back to.

So there you go, I came upon this poor neglected thread!

Yes, I live in Perth, the most isolated city on the planet.

Whaddya wanna know?

We have the most beeeeautiful, clean, unpopulated beaches (even the city beaches don't get busy very often, and they are just beautiful). Clean white sand, clean clear cold blue water. And fresh air.

We have ( I say we..I have lived here since I was 18, but I was born and raised in Sydney), a most amazing wildflower season, with a huge range of spectacular wildflowers in winter and spring. We have a Mediterranean climate- short, wet, cold winter (not freezing cold though, no snow, only occasional frost, but it's cold to us) and a long hot dry summer. We are on the edge of a desert, but we have reasonable rainfall here...north and inland it gets drier and drier, south are some amazing forests, wilderness and Very Tall Trees, and farmland, and fantastic surf.

We have a great lifestyle here....when I go back east to visit my family, I am happy that I live in Perth, people seem stressed out over there...somehow Perth is pretty cruisy for a city. Lots of sidewalk cafes. It's not a flashy city, apparently (I don't care) the night life is not brilliant. It is a great place to bring up kids....and to homeschool. It has all the conveniences of a city, without all the stress. Unlike the east coast, we don't even have 24 hour or 7 day shopping, and we are resisiting daylight savings too, although it is being forced on us.

I live a block back from the Swan River foreshore and we have awesome walks, lots of nature and a birdlife sanctuary...pretty cool for living in a city. We can see the city across the river---a few kms away, since the river is very wide here..very pretty at night time. There are dolphins in the river, and it's swimmable. Its only a 20 minute drive to the city, even though we live in very quiet suburbia.

We are having an economic boom due to selling off the very ground beneath us (mining minerals) to China. Sad, but proving a boon to many people. There is almost zero unemployment at the moment. Young people are flocking north to the mines to make a fortune in a couple of years. Very rough lifestlye though- so hot and dry up there.

Anyway, maybe that gives you a feel for Perth. I like it here. We havent sold off our roads to private companies yet who would toll us- no toll roads at all- unlike the east coast. I am a bit bitter when i go back east and see how corrupt the government is in NSW. Being a bit "behind" in Perth, is a good thing.

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Hey, Peela! Thanks for replying. I wondered why I'd not heard from you and have meant to PM you at some point. Perth sounds fabulous! I hope I get a chance to experience it in person. My b-i-l was here with us for a few weeks recently and I learned that he's not actually moving to Perth proper, but to Margaret River. He's headed over (and down!) in late September or so. He's spent time there before and is really looking forward to the change.


We're going to be studying Australia again in a few years, and naturally, I have my sights set on going to visit him. I've not been there; my husband traveled for several months in Australia many moons ago. I'd always assumed if I went to Australia I'd just stay on the East Coast, but if I actually do get a chance to make the trip, I think I'll be spending more time out West. Who knows? Maybe one of these years we can meet in person?:)

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Oh cool, Colleen!

You will LOVE Margaret River. And it's dairy country! In September it's soooo green down there. Best surf and beaches in the world, lots of wilderness and forests. Veeery beautiful. Got to be one of the top spots on the planet. (although where you are looks pretty good too!).

It would be amazing if you got all the way to this little corner of the planet! What is your BIL planning to do here?

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You will LOVE Margaret River. And it's dairy country! In September it's soooo green down there. Best surf and beaches in the world, lots of wilderness and forests. Veeery beautiful. Got to be one of the top spots on the planet.


Earlier I looked at some info online about Margaret River and I'm becoming more and more convinced my bil is on the right track. It's awesome! Between our Australia studies, a "business" trip to the dairies, and a relative to visit, I really am going to have to start saving for an excursion down there. Actually, Hans would gladly move there if the right opportunity arose. He'd much rather be in a warmer climate ~ and I'm leaning that direction, too. When he traveled in NZ and AU twenty years ago, he was already looking to emigrate and farm elsewhere, and those two countries were in the running. I can just see him, kiting and surfing with his brother one day ~ and looking for a dairy to buy the next.:D


It would be amazing if you got all the way to this little corner of the planet!


Oh, I'm there, girlfriend! This is way too good not to pursue. Give me a few years and I'm there. What's the best season to visit do you think?


What is your BIL planning to do here?


He's a woodworker/carpenter who specializes in restoring furniture. He's had his own business in Switzerland and plans to do the same in Margaret River. When he moves down, he's shipping a ton of pieces and tools and setting up shop.

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Oh man, no wonder he wants to move to Margaret River....it's a woodworker's paradise! There are probably several good woodworkers down there already..I know of one who is now in Perth but he was there for years. A woodworker from Switzerland? He should do well! There is a big tourist industry down there.


Since you are coming from a colder climate, you may not appreciate landing in the middle of summer here, although it is the most wonderful time for the beach of course- probably spring or autumn are the most moderate times. Margarets is milder than Perth though in summer, and much colder in winter. Log fire weather.

The wildflower season is September to November ish. If you want to swim etc, maybe December...beginning of summer. The heat doesn't usually come until January, then through February and March. April is nice again. Warm and sunny, not stinking hot.


Actually I havn't been to Margarets for several years, but my kids are going down there in two weeks with a Scout group, to go abseiling in the caves down there...there is a great caving system.



What a nice thought that you could end up here!

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Oh man, no wonder he wants to move to Margaret River....it's a woodworker's paradise! There are probably several good woodworkers down there already..I know of one who is now in Perth but he was there for years. A woodworker from Switzerland? He should do well! There is a big tourist industry down there.


Yeah, I was kinda surprised that he seemed so sure business would be good, but between his talents and the tourism and such, I've no doubt he'll do well. Anyway, he only needs enough money to enjoy his typical bachelor life. Although with his charm and looks, he'll no doubt have plenty of women who'd like to change that bachelor status.;)


Thanks for chatting with me about the area. I'll keep ya posted!


Btw, I popped in to your blog the other day and enjoyed catching up on what's going on in your world. Sounds like you've found a good comfort zone as far as schooling goes.

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