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Need historical fiction (any era) recommendations


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I would like to read some more historical ficiton to my dd6. She enjoyed The Matchlock Gun and The Courage of Sarah Noble, as well as the American Girl series. I have found many books that are for upper elementary/middle school age, but I would like some that are just one level below that (probably somewhere in the third to fifth grade range). They are for read-alouds. I would appreciate any recommendations.

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There is just so much out there. My recommendation is to get a few catalogs and read the books they suggest--Sonlight is great for this. My sister doesn't home school but just loves the old Sonlight catalog I gave her and she has used it for several years to choose read-alouds for her boys.

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My DS8 is reading a few books from the Dear America series. He really likes them. They are:



The Journal of Jasper

Jonathan Pierce – A

Pilgrim Boy

(He was on the Mayflower)



Our Strange New Land – Elizabeth’s Diary

(She just arrived in Jamestown)



The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower

(She was on the Mayflower)

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There are some other historical fiction produced by American Girl -- I think they're called "Girls of many lands". I haven't read them, but I'd imagine they would be pretty mild for a younger reader.



They're not really appropriate for a 6 yr old... but when she's older, have her try the Roman Mysteries -- my daughter loves them!

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Laura Ingalls Wilder series

Anne of Green Gables


Frances Hodgson Burnett

Poor Little Rich Girl

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Five Little Peppers



Have a look through the AO list as well for other ideas. I find it is often helpful. Don't forget to look at Librivox to download free audio so that you can listen to the story sometimes while in the car or doing something else.

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