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Teachers Bistro 5-3-2011

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Welcome to the Bistro! I thought today was Tuesday but a meltdown in my child this morning :001_huh: made me think I was still stuck on Monday! Well, whatever day it is, come on in and enjoy some adult conversation!



What's for lunch today? The kids and I met Dad for lunch at Wendy's today.


What time is it where you are right now? 1:15pm (aka 1315) here.


What great idea (truly) have you had recently? I'm contemplating writing a science based curriculum! :coolgleamA:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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It is 2:29 here.

Lunch: I had an apple, a cheese stick, a carrot and some rice crackers. I helped chaperone a field trip for dd's enrichment school. We had lunch at the park.


No really great ideas. It takes all my brain power to just get through the week. My greatest thought recently was that I really love lunch at the park. :)

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1:32 here now.


Lunch was a salad with protein (pork, romaine, sugar snap peas, tiny cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, celery with poppy seed dressing)


Good ideas - We are contemplating joining the Y. My dh's work pays the annual fee. We would have to pay a monthly fee as a family but I think we can swing it. The more I think about this, the better this idea becomes!

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Everyone done with lunch? Is it snack time yet? If I was hungry, I'd go munch on some yummy chips. Too bad I don't have any salsa to go with them! What do you like to snack on?



(OT: btw, those that asked, I prayed for all of you yesterday, per your requests. :) )

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Everyone done with lunch? Is it snack time yet? If I was hungry, I'd go munch on some yummy chips. Too bad I don't have any salsa to go with them! What do you like to snack on?



(OT: btw, those that asked, I prayed for all of you yesterday, per your requests. :) )


Thanks, Scrap. For snack I had some garlic and black bean tortilla chips. I dipped them in a combo of laughing cow cheese and mango/peach salsa.


I have used up all the calories from snacking on mowing the back yard and one of the side yards. Ds13 has now taken over because I'm almost too tired to even type!

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Karen, your signature line states your kids go to public/private school once a week. What is that for?


They go to a public school program designed as a homeschool enrichment. So once a week, I drop them off at school. They get hands-on science units tied to literature, art, pe, "clubs", lunch, logic, recess, and a few field trips every year. We also get free access to lots of things like Rosetta Stone.

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