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Making board for Memory Work for next year along the lines of CC. What would you use?

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Hi! I love the idea of being more intentional about our memory work ala Classical Conversations but CC is not a fit for us right now. I am using TOG Year 1 next year and really would like to stick with a 4 year cycle but want to add elements of CC that I really like but in a way that it will work for us.


Here are my "first pass thoughts". Each boy will have a memory work board individualized for him. It will be divided into subjects: Scripture, catechism, math, history, poetry, science, Spanish (for all boys), Latin (for oldest only), grammar and geography.


What else might you include if you were making a board like this?


What I like best about this is I will be able to naturally provide the context for what we are memorizing (a huge negative for me with CC since they are on a completely different year that I am and I am not, at this time, willing to change to their 3 year cycle or have my boys memorizing facts about something completely different than what we are studying at home). I also will be able to work at a pace that is best for each child. We can speed up or slow down depending on my boys' needs, not on a pre-set schedule.


Any other ideas, suggestions, comments? :bigear: Any places to pull memory work from? I will be looking through TOG's MapAids for geography ideas? Any other great places for geography facts? FLL for grammar for my youngers. We will be doing JAG's new Mechanics book. I will look through there for ideas for grammar memory work for ds10 as well as pulling the definitions out of JAG from last year. Other ideas for grammar? Scripture and Catechism will be simple as we follow a book for those. Math will be skip counting for youngers and probably a short drill daily for ds10. Ideas here?


Basically I would love feedback on any of this! :D

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Did you see this thread that has been going on for a couple of days?




It talks a lot about making memory work for dc ala CC without doing the CC thing. I agree with you on everything you said about memorization. :) I am also using CC's ideas (we were in a group this year, but will not be next year) for memory work but also adapting it to fit what we are studying instead of a random list of facts without context.


Here is how I am going to organize our memory work also ala CC. In CC they use a single ring and hole puch color coded cards to put on the ring. The cards are color coded based on subject matter (green-history, blue-math, orange-grammar, etc.) That is all I am going to do! Buy some colored cardstock, figure out my code system, type up the memory cards, laminate, hole puch, and put on a ring. We don't have a lot of wall space since we school in our dining room/kitchen, so this will be easy to store.


As for what to have them memorize, base it on what you are studying. Choose science terms/definitions that you cover each week, math facts/terms for math, grammar definitions/lists, geography places based on areas you study about in history, foreign language grammar/vocab. I am actually really looking forward to doing memory work this way, and I think my dd will like it much better than the way CC did it.


BTW, I loved our CC group, but we couldn't afford it next year for two dc, didn't really like their memory work, and didn't want to be locked in to their history rotation. That's why we left, so please CC lovers don't bash!

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I am curious about how you are going to use the board. Just for what they are working on at the moment? Then go to a box or something else for the stuff they have already learned? You would outgrow the board quickly if you tried to use that alone.


We use a notebook that stays in the car for all memory work (current and prior). Each kid has their own, and we review as we drive.

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Did you see this thread that has been going on for a couple of days?




It talks a lot about making memory work for dc ala CC without doing the CC thing. I agree with you on everything you said about memorization. :) I am also using CC's ideas (we were in a group this year, but will not be next year) for memory work but also adapting it to fit what we are studying instead of a random list of facts without context.


Here is how I am going to organize our memory work also ala CC. In CC they use a single ring and hole puch color coded cards to put on the ring. The cards are color coded based on subject matter (green-history, blue-math, orange-grammar, etc.) That is all I am going to do! Buy some colored cardstock, figure out my code system, type up the memory cards, laminate, hole puch, and put on a ring. We don't have a lot of wall space since we school in our dining room/kitchen, so this will be easy to store.


As for what to have them memorize, base it on what you are studying. Choose science terms/definitions that you cover each week, math facts/terms for math, grammar definitions/lists, geography places based on areas you study about in history, foreign language grammar/vocab. I am actually really looking forward to doing memory work this way, and I think my dd will like it much better than the way CC did it.


BTW, I loved our CC group, but we couldn't afford it next year for two dc, didn't really like their memory work, and didn't want to be locked in to their history rotation. That's why we left, so please CC lovers don't bash!


Great idea:001_smile: I am going to start making mine as soon as we finish up our year. I also know they sell colored index cards which would be easy to fill in each day as you move along through your curriculum. Write, laminate and put on your ring. The kids could even make out the cards as part of their work.


I was just hours away from going to a local CC meeting last week when I decided that CC is a great concept if you have one or two children and want to use their materials as your main curriculum. Not me, I just want to use the concept.


So thanks for the idea, can't wait to get started!

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My idea is more in how to "carry it out". If you have a friend or two... and their kids... you will be more likely to carry it out... and have fun. You could make it as simple or much as you want... memory work and lunch... memory work and science and art... etc. I've found that when you set a date... a time... and another family to go forward with... that it's great~ A board to put it all in works, too. You can carefully take apart a cardboard box (the back seam) and then pull "apart" for a "memory board". Top stuffed (loaded) sheet protectors work well for the "work" should you want to display it for the week.


Think about colors before hand; to me there are logical color choices for subjects. (Science/green, Math/blue etc.)



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Weren't you planning on making them memorize a hymn or two at one point? Maybe the lyrics for the hymn? A different verse every month?


From an arts perspective: fact or two about an artist or composer? Maybe each month a new piece of classical art is put on the wall/board with the name of the artist and a few pieces of info regarding the art or the artist?


Math facts for the youngest. Math algorithms for your oldest.


BTW, give the crew a big ol' hug from me. I miss them terribly!


A says to tell T hello and C is shouting at H & B right now. :D

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