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Anyone here have boys who love to write?


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I have an 8 year old son who is a rabid creative writer. He has always loved to read, but this year his interest in writing stories has taken off. He has tens of thousands of words already written and more on the way.


I am a writer, but primarily non-fiction. I don't exactly know how to encourage him in this area. I don't want to kill his joy in writing, but certainly he could improve in some areas. Should I just let him enjoy the writing and not try to instruct him in this area?


Also, his writing contains so much...action/adventure/fights/blood/even death. Nothing is overly gory, but I wonder if I should be asking him to temper all those battles and such??? Or is this all just normal fare for boys??


Would love any input and advice on how to help and encourage him! Thanks in advance!

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I don't want to kill his joy in writing, but certainly he could improve in some areas. Should I just let him enjoy the writing and not try to instruct him in this area?


I would not try to correct his personal writing, anymore than you would correct a journal. But, you certainly should focus heavily on grammar, sentence structure and lots and lots on narration from literature to help him build the skills he will use for his own writing. It will carry over. In his creative writing simply encourage him as much as you can.




Also, his writing contains so much...action/adventure/fights/blood/even death. Nothing is overly gory, but I wonder if I should be asking him to temper all those battles and such??? Or is this all just normal fare for boys??

Normal. I wouldn't temper it unless it tends to more gore. Also, make sure he gets to read plenty of good fiction with what you feel to be appropriate levels of gore. There are many good classic pieces of literature with battles in them for him to read so that he can learn to construct a good war scene. I particularly liked Tolkien for a good balanced perspective on what war means when Bilbo wakes up on the battlefield and says, "Victory after all, I suppose. Well, it seems a very gloomy business."

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Should I just let him enjoy the writing and not try to instruct him in this area?

That's been my approach for my younger sons. Now that my oldest is approaching high school, dh is beginning to edit and critic his writing. While ds was young, though, we said, "Good Job!" and hung it on the fridge so to speak. I did, and do, instruct my kids during school hours on proper writing, grammar, and so on of course. :001_smile:


Also, his writing contains so much...action/adventure/fights/blood/even death. Nothing is overly gory, but I wonder if I should be asking him to temper all those battles and such??? Or is this all just normal fare for boys??



Boys and battles.... :lol:

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Also, his writing contains so much...action/adventure/fights/blood/even death. Nothing is overly gory, but I wonder if I should be asking him to temper all those battles and such??? Or is this all just normal fare for boys??



In my previous life, I was a public school teacher .... There have been some great studies done in which it was found that teachers tended to kill any writing bug boys had by objecting so often to the content. So, yes, that is really normal for boys.


My son loves to write - he has more of a comedic, diary of a wimpy kid kind of edge. I catch myself wanting to tell him how this or that is gross and not polite but, I hold back and as he has gotten older, his content is getting really good - even when it is impolite.

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My son has always loved creative writing. he is working on several works of epic proportions; whole worlds are created, several strands of narrative developed for different characters - he has been working on this for four years. Much of it is fighting, battle tactics, single combat, description of weapons - so I would say it is normal for boys.

He spends at least an hour per day working on his writing and writes rather well. Of course there are things he could improve - but mostly it is because he is writing too fast and not spending enough time editing ;-)

I read sections every now and then. I do NOT edit his writing - this is his fun exercise and not a school project.

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My DS hates handwriting, but he loves making comics and writing stuff on the computer.


His comics can sometimes be quite violent, in a cartoon-y sort of way (like stuff falling on a stick figure and crushing him). I just tell him how much I like what he's done, and how impressed I am with his creativity.

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