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If you could meet with the head honcho of your denomination...

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...to get theology planning advice, what would you ask him/her?? My pastor's wife is a well-known, well-connected speaker in our denomination and also a theology professor at our graduate seminary. I was talking to her about planning dd's theology. Our superintendent (head honcho) has written a lot of books and I plan on using several for spines. She offered to arrange a meeting with him for me when he's in town next month. *squeal!!!* What would you ask???? I want to use his books on doctrine next year and then the ones on church history for high school. However, I want to integrate a lot of original sources that he quotes and I also want to obviously integrate logic and rhetoric in the appropriate years. He's an attorney so he's solid on those topics. So, how would you come up with concise, clear questions without babbling on like an idiot???

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...to get theology planning advice, what would you ask him/her?? My pastor's wife is a well-known, well-connected speaker in our denomination and also a theology professor at our graduate seminary. I was talking to her about planning dd's theology. Our superintendent (head honcho) has written a lot of books and I plan on using several for spines. She offered to arrange a meeting with him for me when he's in town next month. *squeal!!!* What would you ask???? I want to use his books on doctrine next year and then the ones on church history for high school. However, I want to integrate a lot of original sources that he quotes and I also want to obviously integrate logic and rhetoric in the appropriate years. He's an attorney so he's solid on those topics. So, how would you come up with concise, clear questions without babbling on like an idiot???


Wow. That's really cool. I don't have any suggestions for you because I'm Catholic and given the oppurtunity I'd probably ask the Pope for a tour of all the secret stuff the Vatican has hidden. I'd probably get turned down but I bet they've got all kinds of cool stuff that the public doesn't get to see.

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Ask open ended questions to get HIM talking. Takes the pressure off you. Bring a voice recorder so you don't have to take notes on actual content, but do take notes about further questions raised during his (hopefully) long answer. Use those as springboard questions. When all else fails, ask things like "what would you do if this was your child?" "do you have any resource recommendations that are a must have?" Also, bring a list of materials you'd like to use and jot out a rough time line and ask him to go over it and edit as a much as he would like.

Try not to sweat it. The ultimate head of any Christian denomination is Christ. ;) This man will face the same maker as you and is your brother in Christ. Having said that, most folks in these positions can talk, talk, talk. He is not expecting you to fill all the air space. Just point him in a direction and ask him to carry it along. :001_smile:

One more little tip: bring a pic of your dc to show at the beginning. It makes the talk more personal. ;)


ETA: nail down your ultimate goals for your child and write it down. The most basic would probably be: to raise and equip your dc to know what they believe and why they believe it, to be able to defend their faith with courtesy and respect. It could involve equipping your dc for a certain profession or mission, and/or certain character traits you'd like them to have. Hash it out with your dh and this will help guide the conversation.

Edited by specialmama
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