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square foot gardening revisited...and question

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Giving this a bump today. I found this book at Dollar General today for $5, though my copy is missing chapter 10 from the one listed on Amazon. It appears the rest of the book is the same, except for the absence of chapter 10, so it's still a good deal if you have a Dollar General store nearby.


I just read through the orignal thread (of which I started back in March) and I just read this post...and I am wondering what chapter 10 is. My book is also missing 10 and I am wondering what peices of information I might need to know from this chapter.


Also does anybody else have any tips on this type of gardening?

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We have this book right now from the library; it's an older version but Chapter 10 is Starting Plants from Seeds. My dh is into this right now, he made a raised bed and we are anxiously awaiting some veggies!

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My 2005 revised edition Chapter 10


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I just read through the orignal thread (of which I started back in March) and I just read this post...and I am wondering what chapter 10 is. My book is also missing 10 and I am wondering what peices of information I might need to know from this chapter.


Also does anybody else have any tips on this type of gardening?

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thank you for letting me know about chapter 10...guess I am not missing out too much. I just found this site:

Vegetable Planner and it tells me to plant strawberries one plant per square...but at that rate, you would have to have a very large box to get many strawberries...I wonder if 2-3 plants per square would be ok? After all if you have them in a "regular" garden they seem to be pretty close...don't they?

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We did a few squares of strawberries a few years ago; one plant per square. They sent out so many runners, that come back year after year; it's now an strawberry box, because they took over. Luckily we love strawberries and had another square foot box.


thank you for letting me know about chapter 10...guess I am not missing out too much. I just found this site:

Vegetable Planner and it tells me to plant strawberries one plant per square...but at that rate, you would have to have a very large box to get many strawberries...I wonder if 2-3 plants per square would be ok? After all if you have them in a "regular" garden they seem to be pretty close...don't they?

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We did a few squares of strawberries a few years ago; one plant per square. They sent out so many runners, that come back year after year; it's now an strawberry box, because they took over. Luckily we love strawberries and had another square foot box.


this is my hope...we LOVE strawberries and I want to have enough to freeze too...but I don't know how many plants to plant. I guess I can always add more later.

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We started with two, and they just took off. Be sure to consider the kind of strawberry plants you get. We started with the bloom in June ones and needed to add another variety for a longer season. In June we are literally giving them away though;).


this is my hope...we LOVE strawberries and I want to have enough to freeze too...but I don't know how many plants to plant. I guess I can always add more later.
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We started our SFG last year. It has been working really well. I try to do some companion gardening, within each bed, to help in any little way that's possible. Everyone who sees them are amazed how well the plants are growing. Beginner's luck?:tongue_smilie: And they love the trellising of several plants.


We have a 6x3, a 4x4, and this year we are adding a 8x4 as a dedicated strawberry box. One plant that I had trouble with was carrots. I'm trying them again this year after I gathered more info. on growing carrots. The other, baby watermelon. I had one planted over 2 squares. I think it needed more squares, but I'm not exactly sure.


I love to tell about my tomato experiment last year. I bought one group of 3 tomato plant starters last year because that was the only way the gardening center sold them. I planted 1 in the SFG box. Since I didn't have room for them in the SFG, and I didn't want to throw away the other 2, I found a spot to plant them behind some flowers in a larger flower bed. I augmented the soil, with compost, to give them the best chance for growing well. I tended to all three tomato plants the exact same way and they all got the same amount of sun per day. All three were each planted in their own 1ft. square. The 2 that were NOT in our SFG just didn't thrive compared to the one IN our SFG. They grew some tomatoes, but not as abundantly. Wow, just wow! How do you like my "scientific evidence" comparing Mel's mix to augmented soil? :D


ETA: It looks like in your previous thread I talked a little about the tomatoes too. Sorry for the repeat.

Edited by ChrisB
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I just found out about square foot gardening and am excited to try. I have never gardened before, so I hope it's not complicated. We need to get started! Is the time to plant already past? So glad to find this thread and will have to search for the original. :001_smile: Thanks!

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