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I'm procrastinating big time

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Just a vent.


Someone write my paper for me, please? It's a book review. The book was great, but I just don't know what to say. Ugh. Argh! Ack! I just wish it was over! I've done 5 of these this semester. This is my last one. You would think that simple fact would motivate me. But I just can't get into this. Nothing I write sounds good. I have deleted so many times and my paper remains blank! *sigh*


Okay, I'm going. I think I'll treat myself to a large dessert if I can finish before dinner. Maybe that will work. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm procrastinating too. I'm taking a forensic anthropology course because it looked interesting. It's not. The final paper is due tonight at midnight and I really do plan to start after dinner. I don't really NEED to get a good grade because I am taking the class for pleasure but I just can't bear to fail because I am too lazy to do the work.

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Oh, Beth...you must be young at heart. I know this, because I have proof. My Sixteen year-old also hasn't finished her writing assignment either. I'm bribing her with home-made fudge...Definitely treat yourself to an extra special dessert.:001_smile:

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