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Meaningful Gift Idea for Toddler Boy

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A dear friend is having a baby in July. She picked out this:




As a big sister gift for her DD (4yr). So cool.....and she will have her name on it.


She also has a DS that will be 2.5yr when baby is born. She'd like a similarly meaningful big brother gift for him. I've searched online and am coming up with nothing. Ideas? He's not really into anything in particular.

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We didn't do sibling gifts for births, but by the time my 3rd toddler was was turning 2, we just didn't need more toys. So we bought him audiobooks - Peter Dennis reading all the Pooh books, and Nadia May reading the Beatrix Potter collection. He didn't necessarily get into it right then, but now all of my kids enjoy listening to these, and I'm gald we made the investment there instead of in toys. My 4th just had his 2nd birthday, and we bought him the hardcover and audio of Paddington Bear. You can't go wrong with good children's literature.

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