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Wonderful surprise today...and from the IRS no less!

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I looked online earlier this week to find out why my refund hadn't shown up...and it said that I'd made an error. Instead of getting money back, we owed almost as much as I thought we were getting. Our $$$ are soooo tight right now that I just didn't see how we could possibly pay anything.


So today the official letter came and I didn't open it. I was just too depressed about the whole thing.


Tonight I checked my bank account for something else--and there's a refund there--more $$ than I originally thought we were getting! I opened the letter and it says that we made a mistake...and they owed us more than I'd figured. (Guess I should have opened it sooner, hmmmm.) I'm not sure why the website said I owed; I'm just glad it was WRONG.


I'm such a happy camper right now!



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