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English 9 credit

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Would you consider these three components to be acceptable for 1 credit of freshman English?



Galore Park - Year 9 English text

Classical Writing - Herodotus

Memoria Press - Traditional Logic 1



The reading from CW Herodotus will be done, but I am also giving 1 credit of literature and listing those readings in the lit credit so not including them in the English credit. I am not giving a seperate credit for Logic so it will simply be a part of the English credit.


My other possibility is to add a short story component to the credit to fill it out. I would prefer not to add anything if the above three seem like enough for a full credit.

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I don't know the US education system, but FWIW Year 9 in the UK is ages 13-14, so that's a bit early for high school. Now Galore Park does tend to run a bit ahead, because it is used in private rather than state (public) schools, but just so you know...



Edited by Laura Corin
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I'm going through assigning credits now. At a local gathering of moms who had homeschoolers in college, we raised the question of language arts credits. Most said English 9 should cover things such as grammar, vocabulary, spelling (if necessary), "light" literature, and "light" writing. If you had a designated literature program, then that would go under another category such as American Literature. If you had an intense writing program, then that would be another credit.


This year, I'm assigning 1 English 9 credit and that will cover vocabulary, grammar review, writing, and american literature. It was suggested that I give her 1/2 credit for American Lit and 1/2 credit for Writing, but that seems a bit complicated to me. Dd is doing a more intensive literature study next year, so I might give a credit for English 10 and one for literature then.


CW is such an intensive writing program, have you considered giving 1 credit for writing? It would be an elective credit.

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