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Looking for lit guides for myths

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FREE study guide for Bullfinch's Mythology, from Susan Fairhead, Honors English Course, St. Francis High School:



FREE study guide for Hamilton's Mythology from Sparknotes -- though, do be aware Sparknotes leans towards Freudian, Feminist, and Sexual Themes whenever possible


For a FEE: SMARR study guide = http://www.smarrpublishers.com/products.php?detail=1&pid=84


For a FEE: Bookrags summary/guide for Bullfinch's Mythology = http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Thomas_Bulfinch



Secondarily, would D'aulaire's mythology book be too young?


We used some of each of D'Aulaire, Bullfinch, Hawthorne, and another author I can't remember at the moment. The "family tree" in D'Aulaire was EXTREMELY helpful in keeping all the players and their family connections straight. Also very useful was the index -- we would look up a particular character and go straight to the page and get a 1-3 paragraph synopsis of what they were most known for, and then get back to the Illiad, Oydessey or Aeneid.

Edited by Lori D.
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I used Classical Mythology & More: A Reader Workbook with my boys last year to to prepare for Medusa Exam and National Mythology Exam. (Brag alert – they both got Gold Medals!) Anyways, if you're interested I have it for sale on the sale board!



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