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This is our Third Grade Curriculum, I'm trying to plan out 4th Grade.


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This is our Third Grade Curriculum, I'm trying to plan out 4th Grade. Ideally I'd have a rough Idea of what we plan to use by the End of May. Third Grade is a hudge Podge of things and I'd like to add a foreign language (Rosetta) for 4th.


Any input would be valued. We started homeschooling in December 2010 and so this 4th grade will be our first FULL year.





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I'm also thinking about 4th grade too... One thing I notice is that you've got a lot of workbooks. Are you and your daughter happy with those? I think they're convenient, but my daughter thinks it's all busywork - which it sometimes is. So for this next year, we'll read lots of primary sources and historical fiction related to the middle ages and I'll be limiting workbooks to math (Singapore/MM) and maybe some handwriting. On the other hand, if what you have is working well, then stick with it!

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Here is what we have done for Grade 4 this year - (just sharing, it's not specifically tailored to your situation)


BJU Math 4

BJU English 4

(would recommend both of these)

WinterPromise Adventures in the Sea and Sky (3/4 year) for history/science

parts of Heart of Dakota Preparing Hearts For His Glory (for Bible, history and dictation)

WinterPromise Reading 4 readers

A Reason for Handwriting 4

Piano Lessons

YMCA fitness

Spectrum Reading Workbook

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Great Ideas!


We do read so of primary sources. I just didn't included them, I'll do so in the future and hope to include more next year. My 3rd grader was coming from 3+ years of public school so It was partly a comfort factor with her. We've used less and less as this year has gone by.

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