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Friends Considering Homeschooling

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What advice do you have for someone who is considering homeschooling? Their kids are 12 and 8. So far I have:


-Don't try to do 10 subjects in a day at first. Work up to it.

-Get your kids involved in the running of the household from the beginning or else you'll soon be overwhelmed.

-Make relationships with your kids the priority over stuffing their heads full of facts.

-Date night is important!

-Establish your goals and reason for homeschooling and work from there. When you're overwhelmed you'll have a north star.

-You have to work at socialization (they live in the country).

-You house won't be as clean as it was when the kids were in school all day.

-Read The Well-Trained Mind.


What else?

Edited by cdrumm4448
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Figure out what educational philosophy they like before buying too much curric. (Charlotte Mason, WTM, unschooling).


Hang out on these boards clicking on "new posts" to read posts from ALL of the boards to get a clear view of homeschooling (not just the general board, where we talk politics and religion all day.)

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Spend some time detoxing from school

Figure out each child's learning style

Determine which educational approach they want to take, overall and with each child

Plan meals and feed the freezer

Consider hiring a housekeeper to do the big cleaning (monthly or more frequently)

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