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Teachers' Bistro! 4-14-2011

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I'm back and the Bistro is open! I was going to wait until next week but felt I needed to be here today!


It was a late starting day for us today so that threw us off schedule. . . as if we even have a normal schedule. HA!


What's for lunch today? Us: my dd12 made us ham and tortilla wraps for lunch today. She put flavored horseradish on mine. Yum! I may be peeling an orange or cutting an apple here soon, as we'll definitely need more food than just a sandwich.


Is your weather 'normal' today or weird for this time of year? Us: not sure anymore! :001_huh: It fluctuates each week between being in the 90's, down into the 40's or 50's and then back up into the 80's. How do you dress for that??:confused:


What are you really enjoying this week? Me: last night we all relaxed while watching a Homestead Blessings DVD - even my husband and 6yo son enjoyed it! DH said it was "slow" but "relaxing". We joked about how there were no light sabers in it and maybe next they could do light saber candlemaking! :lol:



Talk to me!:bigear:

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Scrap! You're back!:001_wub:


Lunch- no salad with protein. I'm living it up with homemade nachos with refried beans and melted cheddar cheese.


Weather - normal gray, rainy, colder than it should be


Enjoying - we're eating out tonight (on a Thursday!:svengo:) to see a former high school classmate of my dh's and his wife who are in town visiting.

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Lunch was veggies and dip for me today.

Weather is normal.

I'm definitely enjoying today (other than the itching...I finally cut my nails down to nothing to protect my skin).



I ordered workbooks for next year (I already have the MFW year I need for next year as we are cycling back around). Dh just took the oldest two children out for a date.

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Lunch - salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, squirt of lemon and about a teaspoon of bleu cheese dressing to give it a little more flavor), some toasted slices of kalamata olive bread, and steamed broccoli


Weather - normal gray, rainy, colder than it should be (as Jean said)


Enjoying - Yesterday we saw the most brilliant double rainbow I had ever seen! We could see the complete arch of both of them, and I was in awe! Of course, zI was driving and couldn't stop to take a picture! I wish I could have, I don't know if I'll EVER see one that gorgeous ever again!

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