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If you used M&Ms as a potty-training aid ...

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How and when did you wean your child off them?


After they were going consistently in the potty. I would occasionally not have an M&M. Like when we were away from home. Then in the middle of the day. They would get fewer and fewer M&Ms. But they were still going in the potty. Then one day we'd just be "out" of M&M's.

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When they started just barely peeing so that they could get more M&M's. Then we had to pee twice (all the way) to get one...then 3 times...then once a day...I did this over the span over a few days.


He only gets them for BMs. He now wants to eat more fruit - so that he poops more - so that he can have more M&Ms.

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I don't offer the M&M any more. If he remembers to ask for it, I will give it. I did the same thing with the older two children. Eventually they stopped asking for it. I am currently still letting Owen have his M&M if he asks for it because he will still have accidents when he is engaged in other activities.


Owen turns 4 in August and I think I may just "run out" of M&M's then.

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