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Question about the meaning of "bearing fruit" - CC

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I would love to have input from other Christian believers on your personal interpretation of the meaning of "bearing fruit", as it was used by Christ in John 15. I love this passage so much, and want to go deeper in my own understanding as well to teach my dd about abiding in Christ. What do you feel are the best examples of bearing fruit for a modern day believer?


We live in an amazingly beautiful agricultural area and are surrounded by a number of vineyards. This would be a great study for us this summer as we watch the grapevines growing and changing.


Thanks in advance for your responses.




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I look to the scriptures for the meaning. In other passages talking about bearing fruit or good fruit or fruit of the spirit, it is described as being kind, patient, loving, forgiving, gentle, un-selfish, humble, long suffering, etc...


If one could peer through the glass so to speak, on my whole life and demeanor, not just a snapshot, would they see those qualities? Am I being generous and loving to others, gracious and forgiving when wronged, helping the needy, humble in spirit? If so then I think there is the kind of fruit that Jesus was talking about. Would love to see what others think as well.

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The first place my mind goes to is the sermon on the mount, where Christ tells us how we can identify false teachers.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." (Matthew 7: 16-17)


It's not so much what a person claims to be, but their actions show the truth.


Then, I'd go to the parable of the sower,

"But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience." (Luke 8:15)


The seed sown is the Word of God, and the good ground is an honest and good heart, which will bring forth fruit (the fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5).


You could spend a lot of time pulling out lessons from those passages. I'd also highly recommend spending some time looking into the natural lessons of the grapevine. How it grows, waters, pruning habits, ect. as there are a lot of spiritual lessons that can be seen there.


I'd also go to James, regarding being doers of the word, and to Mark 3:31-35, then compare those to John 15:13-14

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Well, I think a good place to start studying would be the verses on the fruits of the Spirit.

The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy,peace, gentleness....


If you look up all of these 'fruits' seperate you would have a rich, deep study.


If these are not flowing from our lives then why and what's hindering them?


Have fun!

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