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Williamsburg in June?

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A dear friend is planning a trip back East (a BIG deal for those of here in the other Washington) and wants to know is Williamsburg is 'worth it'. Any deals out there you know about? What is 'best'? What to avoid? This is her family's first trip back east. Will be staying with a cousin in the DC area for 1 week of the trip.


Thanks so much!


Kate in Seattle

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A dear friend is planning a trip back East (a BIG deal for those of here in the other Washington) and wants to know is Williamsburg is 'worth it'. Any deals out there you know about? What is 'best'? What to avoid? This is her family's first trip back east. Will be staying with a cousin in the DC area for 1 week of the trip.


Thanks so much!


Kate in Seattle


Williamsburg is definately worth it. They should plan for a minimum of 2 days, 3-4 days would be better, especially if they want to see Jamestown (original and re-creation) and Yorktown. They should also make reservations for evening programs and special walks to ensure the programs they want to see.


I like to stay within walking distance of the historic district for early morning walks, but my favorite hotels have been remodeled and I'm not sure how well it was done.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

It depends. Williamsburg is something you do leisurely. It's like a walk through the past. If they are the kind of people who want to see Colonial Williamsburg in the morning and Bush Gardens in the afternoon, they won't like CW. There are no thrills, just life in the 18th century, some people find that boring.


On the other hand, if they like history, and don't feel stressed when life is slow paced, then they will love it.

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We have enjoyed going to Williamsburg. I agree with Kathy; you need a few days. My kids actually prefer Jamestown to all of the options. Yorktown is small and really doesn't take much time to go through if you are just walking around. CW takes an entire day or more. Having a CW schedule before arriving and knowing what performances are when so that you know "how" to arrange your day helps or you end up missing many of the key attractions. (We always end up missing the trial)


How old are her children? THere are special programs that kids can do, but you have to sign up in advance. Both Jamestown and Yorktown have junior ranger programs which takes a couple of hrs. http://www.nps.gov/colo/planyourvisit/justforkids.htm

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When we ventured East we did D.C., Williamsburg, Jamestown (real one - had had our fill of reenactment places in IL)...and got to Monticello.Mt. vernon is another possibility - we had time for only one large house and I'd always wanted to see Monticello.


I agree with everyone who recommends at least two full days for Williambsurg. We arrived late the afternoon before at our motel, went down to Wmburg. to eat and wander chasing lightning bugs through the dusky streets...cool! Then we had tickets to get into the buildings the next two days. One day got really hot and humid (early June) so the AIR CONDITIONED old buildings were extra wonderful to enter ;) Check the Wmburg website and reserve a concert or speech or event in advance - adds to the fun!

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I was just looking at this site about Busch Gardens tickets. It's pretty informative.


Being from the area, there is so much to do in Wmsbg, Norfolk, and Va. Beach. You're also close, as others have said to Richmond, Charlottesville and if you really wanted to - DC.


My favorite down there is hitting the ocean strip. Fun little carnival spot, great family friendly beaches (for seclusion go to the higher numbered streets, parking's free down there too) and just a ton of good restaurants. The museum and water parks are also good too, beyond the far north end (where we used to surf).


Williamsburg is fun but can be really hot! There's a great water park in Wmsbg too that my kids just loved. That's one day right there. SO FUN!


Any ?s ask away...

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