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Voyages in English Question


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I was able to buy single test books through Rainbow Resources. Hang on and I'll look it up for you...



Okay, here it is: http://www.rainbowresource.com/searchspring.php?sid=1302705777-279457&q=voyages+in+english+assessment#/?resultLayout=list


If that doesn't bring up my search results, just search Voyages in English assessment and it will come up.

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I just bought the newer edition TM and student book (2011). The TM has smaller pages of the student book with answers. Plus notes for me. I have not looked much at it, it does refer to a practice book, but quite honestly, I think that would be more. We are coming from doing Abeka's Language, and I will not be giving any tests or more work to my kids. Abeka was overkill after all these years, & now we want less "busy work". I like the format already better - one teacher book and one student book! It is not really for the child to write in, but glancing through the TM, I think I may just do that! underlining, filling in blanks... easy peasy!

You did not mention the grade, so maybe what I have would be different.

what grade are you wanting?

I also bought mine through a group buy which was cheaper for me than RR.

there is a review it looks like at the end. I may just use that to make sure we've mastered everything. What we need to work on, I can pick up a teacher resource book and use. But coming from years of Abeka, this curriculum look wonderful!

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You said you do not own the TM so do you do the work yourself?


BTW I am considering using it for a 3rd, & 8th grader.


And yes, I have considered buying the 2006 versions.


What do you mean by "the work?" The student text is pretty self-explanatory and anything my DD doesn't understand, we discuss.

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Well another mother mentioned that to avoid having extra work to do I should get the TM.


So I guess what I meant was do you just figure out the answers yourself? And I guess you answered it.....the work is self explanatory. Perhaps it depends on how confident one feels about their Grammar proficiency.


I think I can probably manage without the TM.



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Well another mother mentioned that to avoid having extra work to do I should get the TM.


So I guess what I meant was do you just figure out the answers yourself? And I guess you answered it.....the work is self explanatory. Perhaps it depends on how confident one feels about their Grammar proficiency.


I think I can probably manage without the TM.




LOL... Okay, now I understand what you were asking. I'm a little slow today. hehehe.. Yes, I just figure out the answers myself. It's really pretty easy, at least at the 3rd grade level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have done 2 years of Voyages both without a TE.


I usually plan my weeks using the table of contents. I count up the lessons, and then figure out how to schedule them to get everything done in the number of weeks I want.


We use the practice books as well, and to schedule that, I have to look at the bottom of the page where it tells you what lesson in the student book it goes with. It actually is very easy to match up but does take some time.


The student book teaches exceptionally well just from reading through and discussing. My guess is that a TE might be more useful for older grades, where you may not be confident in your own knowledge.


I know all the TE's I have bought in the past end up not getting used.


Hope this helps.

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