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OMG!! WTH are people letting their kids watch?

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Isn't it fun to pick away at other people's parenting choices?


Herm. I think I was more surprised.The child in question is dd's friend. If that is being judgemental then...well whatever. So what?


It would effect whether or not I would ever permit my child to stay at their house. Wouldn't you think twice about letting your child stay with someone who seemed to be a bit remiss in what they chose for appropriate programming?



The show is EXTREMELY vulgar and offensive. I let my child watch a lot of things that others wouldn't. If someone was letting their kid watch that show then I would assume their parents had no idea what their kids were watching or if they need to practice more common sense.


I let my dd watch the Tomb Raider movie, I didn't think anything of it, she loves that game. I had NO IDEA Angelina Jolie gets naked in that movie. That annoyed me a bit.



1. (and this is not just to you) I always assume g=gosh/goodness and h=heck, but that's just me. It takes on a milder flavor that way.


I do mean "Oh my goodness" and "What the heck" I say "Oh my heck" all the time.


2. She also said: "Sometimes I find that show far too mature for me...much less dd." That means she watches it, so I don't take it as much of a blanket judgment as if I had made the original comments, because I am anti that show in general.


I might accidentally leave it on sometimes. It comes on after Colbert.

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or: c) that family has different standards, rules, interpretations, etc, than your family does.


I think you are being pretty confrontational. You took out the one bit of my post you are all rabid over in order to wax eloquent about how judgemental I am.

Maybe you should relax.


You do not know me. We DO know them and I was surprised.



Would you let your kid stay with someone who seemd to let their kids watch some questional programming? Say your child's friends were going to watch Saw at their slumber party..what would you do?


I would call them and say "Hey I would like dd to come over but we are not ok with her watching Saw, can they watch something else?" if not I would delcine and let their kids stay at my house sometime. We are very relaxed compared to some but we do still draw a line.

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or: c) that family has different standards, rules, interpretations, etc, than your family does.


I think you are being pretty confrontational. Maybe you should relax.


You do not know me. We DO know them and I was surprised.


I was just offering up an alternative ~ and I have graham crackers and hot chocolate; can't get more relaxed than that. :D


Have you ever had anyone go "I can't believe you let your kids _____" at you? It's like being poked in the eye with a stick. Blahhh.

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I was just offering up an alternative ~ and I have graham crackers and hot chocolate; can't get more relaxed than that. :D


Have you ever had anyone go "I can't believe you let your kids _____" at you? It's like being poked in the eye with a stick. Blahhh.


Yeah it doesn't bother me, particularly when I let dd watch Tomb Raider (oops)


I don't care I am the black sheep in my family, they say "I can't believe you..." to me all the time. :lol:

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Dare I say I am shocked that people don't have a problem with Tomb Raider? I mean let's just propagate male fantasies through video games. ;)


Herm. I think I was more surprised.The child in question is dd's friend. If that is being judgemental then...well whatever. So what?


It would effect whether or not I would ever permit my child to stay at their house. Wouldn't you think twice about letting your child stay with someone who seemed to be a bit remiss in what they chose for appropriate programming?



The show is EXTREMELY vulgar and offensive. I let my child watch a lot of things that others wouldn't. If someone was letting their kid watch that show then I would assume their parents had no idea what their kids were watching or if they need to practice more common sense.


I let my dd watch the Tomb Raider movie, I didn't think anything of it, she loves that game. I had NO IDEA Angelina Jolie gets naked in that movie. That annoyed me a bit.





I do mean "Oh my goodness" and "What the heck" I say "Oh my heck" all the time.




I might accidentally leave it on sometimes. It comes on after Colbert.

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You know, I think perhaps part of the issue is how we define and implement the term of "passing judgment". If we are all completely honest, we all judge all the time. In and of itself, it's not a problem. We HAVE to. To look at a situation and JUDGE it.


Now the issue comes in how we CONVEY that judgment. Now, I have never even heard of the show in question, but we can all come up with something to fill in that blank "I can't believe you let your kids____________________!"


As a Christian parent, I convinced it is my duty to judge (gasp! I said that!) the goings-on around me...be it community issues, differences in parenting styles, whatever....and evaluate what things are majors and what things are minors. I will and should make decisions for my children that may put them in a place of being influenced in a way that I do not see fit. Or I may decide that just because there is a chance that this friend may put on that show while my kiddo is with them, no big deal.


BUT....we carry healthy judgment/discernment into legalism and hurtful territory when we ASSUME that everyone should have the same expectations as us. If it is a major, talk to the friend with love and concern. If it is a minor, let it go.


No matter what, I am learning that to keep my heart from becoming prideful, I need to do a heart check....sure maybe I don't let my kid watch THAT show, but do I let my kid get away with speaking rudely to an elder. A lack of hypocrisy makes that "passing of judgement" alot easier to swallow.


And by the way....I am not pointing fingers and the OP at all or anyone else...I just thought perhaps the term of "judgment" was perhaps being used in two different ways.

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I'll join the ranks to say that I've never heard of it.


I will also add that several years ago, our library system opened a branch in a part of town that is heavily populated by migrant workers of mostly Mexican descent. At first, they were offering programming to homeschoolers during the day when they weren't busy and some of us stayed to do homework help with the kids who came in after school and some other projects with them.


They weren't up and running very long before they put strict limitations on computer usage and we found out as a result that many of the LITTLE, lower elementary aged kids would come in and try to look at pornography and other inappropriate sites on the computer because they were accustomed to such programming running in their homes all day long every day on TV.... Oh. My. That was a huge eye opener for me about how others live in today's society....

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