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From FLL to R&S to ....


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We are afterschooling here and My Ds (8) has started hating grammar, we started with FLL 1&2, he initially enjoyed it, but it was too repetitive for him, we then jumped to R&S after reading good reviews here, but its too heavy on Bible..and he is in tears every time I pick the book. I wan tto give him good grammar foundation.


What should we look forward now?. I am frustrated too..ANy suggestions?

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Have you looked at FLL3? It's not nearly as repetitive as FLL1. Even FLL2 is not as repetitive as FLL1. :) A lot of people who don't like 1 and 2 do like 3 and 4. Take a look at the table of contents in the sample.


Another one to look at is Growing With Grammar, if he'd like a workbook approach.

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If I were afterschooling, I would certainly want something less repetitive and "schoolish". We're doing FLL here and I like it - it's very effective and not much time required. However, I'm going to take a break from it next year with my rising 4th grader who's finishing FLL3 this year. I think we'll come back to FLL 4 for her in 5th grade. Instead, we're going to use The Arrow from Bravewriter and follow her recommendations for using Nitty Gritty Grammar and More Nitty Gritty Grammar. The idea is to use these books as grammar references to go along with the literature assignments. I ordered the books and my girls have already read them because they really are fun, engaging and very clear.


This plan is certainly not as structured as following a set curriculum. That makes me a little nervous because I'm an open 'n go kind of girl. (A reason for LOVING FLL!) That being said, open 'n go can get very dry. I love the Bravewriter approach - I'm hoping it'll lighten me up! I hope this helps.


Good Luck,


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I was reading good things about MCT.. is this a workbook approach , parent intensive..?

CAn I see sample pages of this book somewheer, I hate to buy things, only to find later, it was not worth it....:001_huh:



ANd yes, daily grams is great, but We need a text to go along with this.. I have no clue what shoudl eb supplemented with daily grams now!

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Not sure about sample of MCT. But, if you buy it you won't be disappointed. I was reading the thread, and I was about to respond with MCT as the perfect fit. Then I saw your question about it. I Love it, my son loves it . It somehow works very well. (I am in a hurry though so don't judge the grammar program based on my typing and writing skills at this moment!!!) Good Luck!!!

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Oh, It is a book that you read together with "review" buit in. There are four books per level. We are working on Island Level. Grammar island discusses all the parts of speech, clause, sentence. It s based ona four-level analysis. I am not doing it justice in my description. If you end up needing more details PM me and I can be much more descriptive. All that to say ... not too teacher intensive or student intensive. We just read it together and work as we go. You could do as much or as little as you want at a time. There is sentence Island and a poetry and vocabulary book as well. There is also a practice Island book if you feel that you need some worksheet type work as you go. LOVE this program. Let me know if you need more details.

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*I* really like BJU English. It is something that you will have to sit down with him and "teach" the lesson, then they do one worksheet. You do the front side with them to make sure they are understanding the material then they do the back independently. If further review is need there is a CD ROM in the back of the TM for printing more worksheets. I have tried FLL(dd likes it but I wanted a little more application), Rod and Staff(daughter didn't like all the writing, I didn't want to do it orally), and A Beka. I find this is just the right amount of teaching and written work.


**BJU alternates the units between grammer and writing, just to let you know. We use another writing program and don't do those units but they look gentle in 2nd grade(what we are using).

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I was reading good things about MCT.. is this a workbook approach , parent intensive..?

CAn I see sample pages of this book somewheer, I hate to buy things, only to find later, it was not worth it....:001_huh:



ANd yes, daily grams is great, but We need a text to go along with this.. I have no clue what shoudl eb supplemented with daily grams now!

Buy a R&S 5 or 6 and you'll have everything you need. When you come across an area that needs work, simply use the RS index and get some extra practice in.

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We went through a similar sequence. FLL was way too repetitive. I switched to R&S very briefly but it seemed to drag everything out too. We're now doing GWG, and we both like it. It's also not as teacher-intensive, which is nice for me since everything else we're doing is.

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Also another family here who thought FLL was too repetitive. We do several lessons at a time to leave out some repetitiveness, but still it drives us crazy sometimes. We switched to Growing With Grammar last fall and loved it! It's inexpensive, easy to do and quick to get up to speed on grammar.


I think FLL and GWG both have their benefits, so we reincorporated FLL into our spring after taking a 4 month break from it.


We'll be finishing GWG3 early this summer and I hear that GWG4 is very, very similar, so we'll be taking a break from that too for a bit. Enough people here have used MCT with younger ones, so we're going to try that starting this week actually. My daughter has language art skills several years above her age, so I think it might be a good fit. I have no clue what to expect, as the website didn't give me an idea of what the program is like. People here like it so much, although I haven't seen anyone blogging about it and describing it in detail enough to convince me that it's right for us. So we're going to dive in and see for ourselves!

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