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Who do we see for evaluation for possible ADHD?


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We've been worried about our DS8 for a while, and things are reaching the point where we would like to have more information about what's going on. We would like to get him evaluated for possible ADHD, but we would like to be sure that he sees someone who will look at all the possibilities and see the big picture, IYKWIM. I know a physician is the one who would prescribe medicines if they were called for and we wanted to go that route, but I'm not sure that would be the best person for an initial evaluation. But who would? What type of specialist do I look for?

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You might think about treating his symptoms through diet before anything else..


Have a look at this article: "ADHD: It's the Food, Stupid"



My daughter's ADHD improved tremendously when her diet was cleaned up.. Including removing gluten, dairy, and soy.. Going organic, dye free, additives free, preservative free, crap free.. I also supplement with fish oil and B vitamins (other things too, but these are her "brain vitamins").. And we also added in Interactive Metronome with a good psychologist, which was just invaluable.

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You might think about treating his symptoms through diet before anything else..


Have a look at this article: "ADHD: It's the Food, Stupid"



My daughter's ADHD improved tremendously when her diet was cleaned up.. Including removing gluten, dairy, and soy.. Going organic, dye free, additives free, preservative free, crap free.. I also supplement with fish oil and B vitamins (other things too, but these are her "brain vitamins").. And we also added in Interactive Metronome with a good psychologist, which was just invaluable.



i was going to suggest looking into making some dietary changes as well. :iagree:

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Thank you for all the responses.


Our diet is already pretty much free of preservatives and artificial colors, etc. Getting rid of gluten, dairy, etc. would require cooperation from DH, and I don't think I'll be able to get him to go for it. He's pretty skeptical of those kinds of dietary changes. The most I can probably do with diet is add in more DHA and eliminate dairy when DH isn't home.


I really appreciate all the information on the neuropsychologist. I'll look up KarenAnne and read that too.

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