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middle school classics?


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I am thinking through a "book club"\ gentle lit. analysis class for my son and some kids in our co-op next year, and I wondered what the hive would recommend for classic books appropriate to cover in this kind of setting with middle schoolers. By "classic", I don't mean that it has to be Homer :001_smile:. But I do want to use books that are truly quality literature and which will be enjoyable as well as helpful in their further studies. Any suggestions? Thanks!



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5th and 6th grades or 7th and 8th? My recommendations might be different for the older set, but here's some for the younger...


The Hobbit

The Secret Garden

Treasure Island

Black Beauty

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

A Wrinkle in Time

Wind in the Willows


Anne of Green Gables

War of the Worlds

Watership Down

Around the World in 80 Days

Oliver Twist

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Gulliver's Travels


and my favorite modern 'classic': Hoot by Carl Haaisen

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Have you read Deconstructing Penguins? They've got some good suggestions in there. If you're going to use supplementary materials (like literature guides), you might see what is out there that you like before committing to a book. Newberry award or honor books are often a good place to start. Do you have a theme that you are going to follow? What is the background of the kids? What have they already read? Are they boys or girls or both?

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The kids will be in 6th through 8th grade and there will be boys and girls. I hadn't planned on having a theme, but I think it is an interesting idea to consider. I was going to look through lit guide options once I had some recommendations in mind. I don't know if I will necessarily use lit guides, though; I don't want to spend tooooo long on any one book. My goal is to get them used to thinking about and discussing books in a way that will prepare them for IEW's Windows to the World in a year or two.


Thanks for your good suggestions! I'd love to hear more.



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