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Coloring my hair

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OK, I am in the years where my hair color needs a "lift"! I want to just do it myself because going to a professional is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too expensive. I can't see spending money there when buying school books and curriculum are a priority! So, my question....what do I buy? What is a good reliable brand? My hair color is a dishwater blonde. What color do I choose? Do I let my neighbor do streaks in it? What a dilema! HELP!

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o.k. I am a book addict and a serious curriculum junkie, so I understand sacrificing in some areas in order to buy books, but I draw the line at hair coloring.

The books can wait.

Yes, it's expensive, but if you have a really good colorist(?), it is sooo worth it.


No way would I let a neighbor put streaks in my hair unless I'd seen her work on several other people.


I'm sure there are a lot of other ladies who do their own hair and do it well, but if you're going to treat yourself in any area, this is it.:001_smile:

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If you want to go lighter or have highlights you really need a professional. If you want to go to a redish color or a darker blond or light brown then you can probably do it yourself. I don't remember the name of the brand but I always use the gel formulation on my dd and it works great. It is the one with the tube of color booster or conditioner with it. I think that it may be Revlon. We use the semi-permanent. That way it you can make sure you have the right color and it washes out slowly. My mom always used this as well and she always had good result too.

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I do color my own hair....BUT....when I do I use a semi permanent color not found in nature, last month I did hot pink, this week im going crimson. One suggestion is to use Natural Instincts....it is semi permanent...in natural colors...and that always works well for me. Other than that, I would highly suggest going to a salon..if you have a school near you it will cost less to go there. Check to see if there is an Aveda school in your area.

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I tried Clairol Natural Instincts first because it was a "28 shampoos" color, and I knew that, if I'd made a mistake, it would soon be gone. That's how I found the color I wanted. I liked it, but it didn't last "28 shampoos" for me, so I had to move on to permanent.

Now I'm using Revlon Colorsilk. Inexpensive, easy, and has a pleasant fragrance. (No ammonia and they don't test on animals.) I have resistant grays and sensitive skin, but this works pretty well and most people haven't noticed I colored at all. (That's what I was going for!)

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My hair used to be a nice sort of blonde, but gradually turned what I call "mouse colored". I began coloring it using L'Oreal Preference. The first time I guess I used the wrong shade and my hair came out peach-colored. I switched shades and now I fluctuate between overly-ashy (greenish tinged) and brassy (orangy). I've been really struggling with what to do about it. I can't do the salon thing; too much money too often! Pay $50 or more every 6-8 weeks? For someone who generally cuts her own (and everyone else in the family's) hair, I just can't justify doing it. So I'm either switching brands/colors or going natural again. I think brassiness is very hard to overcome, so I don't have much hope. :confused:

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When it was time for me to start coloring (and that was pretty young - I started going gray at 16), I asked my trusty hair stylist. I was honest about not being able to afford to have a professional do it (my dh does it for me - his dad always colored his mom's hair, so he doesn't feel weird about it!).


She told me what kind to try, what color to try, and it was fabulous. I have since changed brands, because the Clairol was turning green in the swimming pool. I use L'Oreal now.


Do you have a stylist you can ask - someone who knows your hair, and does color in her shop?

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