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Box Tops for Eduation coordinators ?? for you?

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I am the coordinator for our small group. Yes, you have to count the box tops and make sure none are expired. There are specific instructions at their website. Basically, you submit them in groups of 50. I put mine in snack size baggies. They do not give you self addressed mailers. You will need to box up your submissions and pay for postage. It is a good way to earn money for your group. Even though we are a small group, we earn almost as much (or more) as the schools in our area.

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I am the coordinator for our small group. Yes, you have to count the box tops and make sure none are expired. There are specific instructions at their website. Basically, you submit them in groups of 50. I put mine in snack size baggies. They do not give you self addressed mailers. You will need to box up your submissions and pay for postage. It is a good way to earn money for your group. Even though we are a small group, we earn almost as much (or more) as the schools in our area.



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