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Timeline/ Book of Centuries... What do YOU use?


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Please tell me what you use and what you like about it. I'm trying to decide what to use... a book of time, a time line... I don't know! HELP!:confused:


P.S. My daughter is 6 and we are doing The Story of the World Volume One: Ancient History. Thanks!

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I have the Wonders of Old timeline, both the printed book and the cd version. Right now we're using printouts from the cd version and just pasting pictures on them to go with SOTW 4. I printed them on cardstock and we keep it folded accordion style so we can pull the whole thing out, or just look at the page we want to. I don't have the wall space to hang it up, but my kids love being able to see the entire thing. (I actually wrote a blog post about our timelines for a friend a while back, if you want to see pictures.)


Next year my oldest will start keeping his own timeline as we cycle back to the ancients and I think I may start keeping my own as well. The only thing I don't like about the Wonders of Old is that it doesn't have lines to write on. I prefer the Record of Time from Homeschool in the Woods for that reason.

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We finally found something that works for us. I simply put lined notebook paper in their history binder, marked 100 years on each page. As we go along we mark things on those papers. Simple, cheap, perfect. Nothing we have purchased and tried in the past worked for us. That said, a timeline would not have worked for us in the grammar stage years. My dss are in 5th and 6th now.



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I use a poster timeline that I purchased from Geometers. I like it best because the lines go from top to bottom, the way you read. Everything is on one page so we can easily see where things fit in history. It is laminated so we can tape things on, write on it with an overhead transparency marker, or take everything off and start over. I taped it up on the back of my son's closet door, and it doesn't take up much space. It was the best timeline that I could find at the exhibit hall of my homeschool convention.



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We just got the new timeline from Pandia Press (the folks who produce History Odyssey and Real Science Odyssey). I'm very impressed. There are four long sheets that are folded up in such a way that you can store the timelines in a binder. Or, you can also mount the timelines on your walls if you wish to see the whole thing. You can purchase stickers for the timeline separately, and there is also a Pre-history timeline that goes back to 2 million years or so (also available separately).


The paper feels durable, the printing is beautiful, and it wasn't too expensive. My kiddos are only 6 and 3, so I imagine that we will do several iterations of a timeline in the coming years, but this one felt like the right size and level of detail for us right now.

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