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5 yo SPD and art?

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I am not sure if this realtes to his AGE, his BOYNESS or his SPD and potental ADD/AHDH concerns (again THAT amy very be AGE + BOY + SPD + ANXIETY thus he is not offically DX)


I am not the most artist person, or most creative. BUT I make a real effort to get real art (ie more than crayons) out 2x a veek and have on on the times be paint.


the boys, both, have a ton of "time' in on paints.


my 5 year old (5 y 4 m) will not ever paint me anything -- :confused: -- he ends up 'scribbling' and mixing colors. he DOES know all his color mixes; and has for well over a year 9maybe 2??).


today I even drew him some bubble shapes (heart and a couple others) adn ASKED him to color them in with the paint.


nope he is scribbling and mixxing the 2 colors (on the paper, eventually it would have lead to in the containers).


he has NO ablity to have one brush and clean it between colors --



Age? SN? Gender?


should i do something? what?


thoughts, feedback, advice???

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My (mostly typical) oldest boy and my (special) younger boy would have happily joined your son in scribbling at that age. Art was something that was only good if you could eat it afterwards. They hated coloring, scissors, and all craft projects - they just didn't see the point.


But they would happily fiddle for hours with tiny legos.....

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he seems to love it -- askes for it -- is happy to see me get it out -- and glad to spend as long as i let him


he just never makes anything --


i get that paint and art are very sensory -- and i try my best to allow for that -- and honestly only this month (well march) at 5 y 3 m started even asking him to try to make anything .....


but come on -- a tree ?? a person?? a dog??

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Oddly I have found that my dd will do better at art when she is on her ADHD meds....and is more scribbler/mixer when she is off...so I think it may be partially the special needs....actually one of the things that our sped's are working on is the idea of completion which includes the idea of completing a piece of art as opposed to enjoying the process.

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My almost 8 year old who is ALP in school wont paint if you held a gun to his head.


My not even 2 year old daughter would spend all day drawing if we would let her.


I think some of it at the very least is a boy thing.


I did paint on the back deck a few weeks ago. stripped the baby and the 5 year old down to underpants and let them play.


She at 22 months painted carefully on paper with a paint brush.


5 year old boy mostly blended colors and found excuses to cover his sister and himself in paint hand prints and smudges


7 year old ran around the yard with no interest in the paint at all.

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Oddly I have found that my dd will do better at art when she is on her ADHD meds....and is more scribbler/mixer when she is off...so I think it may be partially the special needs....actually one of the things that our sped's are working on is the idea of completion which includes the idea of completing a piece of art as opposed to enjoying the process.


i may need to ask OT about it too -- see if it is connected to his thinking ... hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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My son hated to paint at age 5. He had significant vision issues (Tracking, no 3D, convergence etc) and sensory issues. He liked the smearing ok, because the pain felt cool on his hands, but that was about it. When he was 6 I signed him up for a homeschool art class. Drawing and painting he struggled with. But pottery, working with clay - he still can't get enough of those. Again the clay was cool plus it gave him the deep pressure input he was craving. He could be as rough as he wanted with it in the beginning. He is 10 now and vision issues and most sensory issues resolved. He can paint a lovely picture but he still asks for pottery classes. Maybe if you try a new type of art with your son?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In our state the OT can't officially diagnose ADD/ADHD. If you're that concerned, I'd go ahead and get the referral for the neuropsych eval and be done with it. You know you've probably got something; the only question is what. Might as well know now as later.


And while you're waiting for the evals, give up on the art, kwim? Let him scribble. Find something else to do.

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Our darling little girl, who is almost seven, paints in a similar way. We are working on trying to clean off the brush before she tries another color, but no luck yet. She doesn't paint anything more than lines at this point. She is still working to add more details to stick people with a pencil. :001_smile:

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