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  1. Thanks! Reading is usually a crying subject for us. I think I will pay for it and give it 3 months and evaluate if it can stand on it's own for him. I really would love to find ways to educate him without the tears Like I said it's like he simply cannot see pages of paper or note cards but the website is wonderful for him.
  2. So does Readingeggs work as a stand alone program? I don't think I understand your post.
  3. Figured I should add My son has encephalopathy which looks very much like ADHD I started homeschooling him this summer and find while he can read it's like he is not able to look at books or cards. When using books we usually have a melt down or two him not looking at the book and thus unable to read the word which I suppose if you don't see the word reading it is somewhat more challenging. :001_huh: Monday I introduced reading eggs website and he is busting through showing he can read so much more than I ever knew. It might be worth it to give it a go with the free 14 day trial and see what happens. I don't know if it can be used as a stand alone program or if it needs supplements but I do know every single minute of choose what you want to do time for 2 straight days he has been doing games on the reading eggs website and taking tests and learning words.
  4. My 1st grade son with ADHD has been doing OPGTTR and while he has been learning it would be a lie to say it isn't boring as all get out. Wanting to add something fun so I got the free trial of reading eggs He LOVES it. He has spent all his computer time playing it. He has gone up a level in 24 hours. Is this a reading program that can stand on it's own? Please tell me what you know.
  5. all of the above suggestions are all fantastic However the kids noise cancelling headphones are worth a million times what I paid for them.
  6. No he is not currently in OT because my DH was laid off in August so we are running around all risky and uninsured :001_huh: As soon as he starts a new position we will pick it up even if the co-pays kill us. Do you know of any systems which would be good for a kid with bad motor skills? I really like something with a script and not a make your own thing. I don't have that much planning time on my hands.
  7. My DS is only 6 but we have an indoor trampoline and when we are having trouble pulling it togeher we crank up the music and dance/jump. We play the HWOT music and draw using a beach ball and our whole bodies. We do jump math facts. I say the pluses and he jumps the answer. I also wish to sub here because at some point we will outgrow the weight max on the trampoline.
  8. I bought Atelier 2 in the homechool co-op and we did our first project last week. My son has encephalopathy and has ADHD symptoms and a loss of skill. Our art project was a total bomb. His turtle was fine but pretty much his lines were all over the place and over the outline of the turtle. Without spending another $150 to buy the level 1 do any of you have suggestions on an art program that will work for a kid with fine and gross motor skills issues? HELP!
  9. We don't know yet. When a 5 year old gets mono you have about a 6 month time period before a child can start getting back to normal and one should not expect that normalcy til 12 months out from the illness. Because we did not have the mono diagnosed for a while and because he also had strep at the same time (common and often the reason for misdiagnosis) we had a fever for a long time and side effects from the antibiotics to treat the strep because you shouldn't use antibiotics when one has mono. Sadly we have many possibilities and it is a matter of ruling out one at a time. Mono for example can leave a person with a lifelong exhaustion disorder and unfortunately any kind of exhaustion in a child can look like ADHD. Then again PANDAS has the same symptom of looking like one thing and being another. Also brain damage caused by fever can cause the same look like it's ADHD symptoms. Right now I am leaving the investigation up to his doctors and just trying to focus on the teaching and catching up. When we get answers we will get answers, no amount of message board discussion will change where he is medically. He is 15 months out of his initial illness period so we have to start basing what we do on how reality will be from now on. He must learn to read even if it is hard. Unlike the rest of the books written by this group of WTM writers it has no test to figure out where to start. Today I made him go through and give me the sounds of all the consonants which he did fine on. It is harder to expect him to give me the vowel sounds because I will need to expect long and short sounds so I will do that next week when he will be a little less weary of the reading cards.
  10. Thanks Critter I bought the complete set with the flash cards and the magnetic board. He is nowhere close to needing to read in the book yet himself. I plan to supplement with my 2 complete sets of Bob books and a full set of Open Court books. My thought is do I need those first lessons and how to figure out where to start.
  11. Nope no seizures. I promise I am seeking medical assistance with the issues. Have any advice on how to figure out where to start the reading?
  12. No idea, all I can say now is he has ADHD and a loss of skill. He became ADHD after having had mono/strep. That or he masqueraded as a calm meditative child for the first 5 years of his life. We have no solid answers yet.
  13. I have purchased an OPG and am ready to start teaching my 6 year old to read. History He was reading in PreK and definitely knew his letters In first grade he knew his letters and lost what words he could read Now he is 6 and we are looking at a possible PANDAS diagnosis with ADHD. Trouble is he doesn't show what skills he has in any determinable way. He will fake not being able to do something to get help when things are hard. Sometimes he will slip when I fake read things and he will correct me. Even then I know he is a weak reader and needs a boost to be grade level. Where do I start? Lesson 1 seems way too easy. Does he need to have the letter poem memorized? Or can I just start at the site word part. Thanks
  14. My ADHD OCD kid needs to feel in control. We use a visual organizer and he can do the subjects in any order he chooses
  15. I currently use it backwards. We do our work and then I put it in. It takes less time since we are on a loose summer schedule where we might miss days or decide to go swimming instead. So far it is working and I spend about 5 to 10 min a day 4 days a week putting in the assignments after they are complete. I have 2 kids in the system 1st and 3rd grade.
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