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S/O: Do/did your kids use sippy cups?

Do/did your kids use a sippy cup?  

  1. 1. Do/did your kids use a sippy cup?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Neither of my children liked sippy cups. I even tried removing the valves.


They used straw cups with lids, graduating to straws in regular plastic cups. They know how to drink directly from a cup, they prefer straws. When there is too much playing at the table, the straws are removed.

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My kids used various travel mug/ sippy cup kind of things for water in the car and in their bedrooms. At the table, they used small glasses or mugs.


The only way I see that sippy cups could lead to decay would be if the child carries around juice and sips on it during the day. The dentist recently told me that sugar attacks your teeth for 20 minutes after you take a drink. I would assume that means drinking juice all day (from a sippy or a glass) would lead to sugar working at your teeth all day. HTH


Also, some kids just have poor teeth. One of my kids was "the poster child for dental health" while the other had a filling in preschool. At the time, dh and I were brushing both sets of teeth and flossing them. They also had the same eating habits.

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Keaton only uses a sippy cup if it's offered at someone else's house and I've forgotten to bring him a straw cup. He drinks milk or water out of a regular cup with meals and drinks water out of a straw cup or water bottle if he's wandering around the house.

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