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Talk to me about Apples and Pears, and Dancing Bears

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I've noticed some people here use Apples and Pears for spelling. What kind of approach is it? Is it phonogram based or just random words? I'm considering using it for my dd11 and ds10 who haven't had much spelling instruction. I would probably start them in level A.

I was also looking at Dancing Bears A for my ds6 whom I haven't started reading instruction with yet. I was also thinking of using Fast Track AB for my ds10 who is a struggling reader. Anyone have any success?

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Apples & Pears is morpheme based. It's completely scripted, very easy to use. I really like the lay-out...though I'm too new to the program to give a true RAVE.


I just bought Dancing Bears Fast Track for my ds8. It's painless thus far (2 pages in LOL...), and has already shown me a weakness I didn't know we had.:001_huh: (ds8 mixes up met/meet ned/need even though he spells these patterns just fine...now I know - ugh!).


That wasn't much help....but you can look through the entire books on their website.http://www.prometheantrust.org/

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Apples and Pears is a wonderful program. I've been using it since summer with my 11 yo dd, and her spelling has improved tremendously. As a previous poster said, it's a morpheme system. First you learn to write basic words such as weld, star, serve, light... then add endings or prefixes to form larger words. starless,welded, deserve, reserve, lighted, etc. By the end of the 4 book series, you're spelling exceptionally, objective, physical, and so on.


My 11 yo dd and I are enjoying using Fast Track to remediate her reading. It's working well for her also. The stories are rather hilarious but are meant for older students. It's been a subject of debate on some other posts, so I recommend you take a look at the stories in the Dancing Bear books. :001_smile:

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Thanks for all the reviews! I did take a look at the placement test for apples and pears and I believe my dc would miss 3 words for level B so I think starting them at level A would work for us. I haven't read the stories but did read the previous post. I think we could probably still use it without the stories if I think they are not good for our family. I have the I See Sam readers that we could use instead.

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I ordered the A&P set on Monday to use with dd9. I'm excited to get it in and start using it! We've stuck through 3 levels of AAS and dd is just NOT a rule-based learner. I'm hoping the morpheme approach will make more sense to her big-picture, whole-learner brain.

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Thanks for all the reviews! I did take a look at the placement test for apples and pears and I believe my dc would miss 3 words for level B so I think starting them at level A would work for us. I haven't read the stories but did read the previous post. I think we could probably still use it without the stories if I think they are not good for our family. I have the I See Sam readers that we could use instead.


I just LOVE Apples and Pears spelling here. VERY easy to use and the spelling carries over to other subjects, etc.


I have also used some of the Dancing Bears stuff but honestly, I like the I See Sam books better for learning to read. They have cute stories, move at a nice pace, etc.


You could check out the higher level I See Sam books for your struggling reader as well or try the Dancing Bears--again, check out the placement stuff.

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I just LOVE Apples and Pears spelling here. VERY easy to use and the spelling carries over to other subjects, etc.


I have also used some of the Dancing Bears stuff but honestly, I like the I See Sam books better for learning to read. They have cute stories, move at a nice pace, etc.


You could check out the higher level I See Sam books for your struggling reader as well or try the Dancing Bears--again, check out the placement stuff.


My ds10 hates the I See Sam books, we are pushing through them but sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get him to read them. I think he needs something different so I thought we'd try dancing bears. I'm not sure if I like I See Sam as a stand alone program for learning to read. I need something a little more structured and hand holding. Teaching reading really scares me so I need something more laid out.

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My ds10 hates the I See Sam books, we are pushing through them but sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get him to read them. I think he needs something different so I thought we'd try dancing bears. I'm not sure if I like I See Sam as a stand alone program for learning to read. I need something a little more structured and hand holding. Teaching reading really scares me so I need something more laid out.


For a 10 year old the stories in Dancing Bears might appeal to him more.


If though you just need help with the I See Sam books, there is a WONDERFUL yahoo group called Beginning Reading Instruction where you can get some extra help (all free), worksheets, ideas, games, activities, etc. Check them out.

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