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It's very fun to watch election returns with my ds.

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While watching a speech by one of the presidential candidates recently, the speech ended with "and may God bless America"....quickly followed by my son saying "and may God prevent _______ from becoming president".


It was really very quick, and I had to giggle.


And this child is 9! I look forward to, and dread, them reaching voting age...IYKWIM?



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My 12 year old is very into all of it. I have to keep reminding him that no, he doesn't know everything, and perhaps he should *listen* to the candidates before passing judgement :glare:


Then again, I never listened to any political candidates at age 12.

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My 12 year old is very into all of it. I have to keep reminding him that no, he doesn't know everything, and perhaps he should *listen* to the candidates before passing judgement :glare:


Then again, I never listened to any political candidates at age 12.


Sounds exactly like my 11yodd. LOL. Glad she's not the only one. We've brainwashed... I mean taught her so well that she's offended if anyone discusses the election without mentioning Ron Paul. :D

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You should watch it with my 11 yo ds! He has very strong opinions (very much his own). I remember having these long discussions w/ him during the last Pres. election. They are even more fun now. I love that he thinks things through, and has real reasons for liking certain candidates. He even took a couple of those "which candidate is best for you" online polls that we were sharing around here. Ya'll can vote for Pedro for Pres. I'm gonna vote for my ds!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My 9yo ds was in Bible class and the teacher said they were going to talk about someone who had the first name of one of our presidents (Abraham). The kids were guessing George, Thomas, Bill, and ds yelled, "Ron Paul."

The teacher said Ron Paul was not a president. Ds replied, "No, but he should be!" LOL

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It's his first election where he can vote, and he's sooo into this.


I wish he were as into his college classes. :glare: Freshmen. Honestly.


So, you guys are having a fun week off together?!


And, if he did not slack off his freshman year, you would be worried that he was not normal. :D He can take Latin at UNCA this summer to make up for his slacking. I hear they have some really sharp professor for the second session. ;)

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That he should pray for something really important, because 1st Communion prayers are very important. He came to me after Mass and said, "I prayed ----- wouldn't be president!" I thought that was pretty funny.


My 11 ds and the 8ds are both very into politics, we discuss it alot! They are very politically savvy!

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