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s/o RH blood post

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How important is the rhogam shot when there is a very early miscarriage? I'm O-.


I was recently pregnant, no more than 4 weeks. I would never have even known except I had an endocrinology appt. and my cycle was important. It had been 2x per month for 4 months, then one normal, then I was possibly late at the appt. He ran the HCG beta with the other blood work. It was very, very low at 5 (repeated 2 days later and it was only 7). I started cramping and bleeding the following Saturday. Since I knew I was carrying an unhealthy pregnancy, I knew I had miscarried. I did get the rhogam shot. What are the possible consequences if one miscarries without knowing she was pregnant?

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I'm A- and asked my doctor about this since I thought I had at least one very early miscarraige. I was told that the problem comes when the possibly + blood of the baby mixes with the blood of the mother and causes an immune reaction. In a very early pregnancy, it is very unlikely to cause a problem since the babies heart doesn't start circulating blood until somewhere around 22 days and for the next few weeks there's unlikely to be enough mingling to cause a strong reaction. The initial shot at 28 weeks of the next pregnancy is also supposed to help prevent any reaction.


Anytime you know you had a miscarriage or birth, you should definitely get the shot.

Edited by dottieanna29
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Thank you for the replies. I did get the shot this time, as well as with both kids and one other miscarriage. I was just wondering what could happen if you didn't know you were pregnant (like in my case, the embryo was at 2-3 weeks development, and without that endo appt, I would have assumed my period was just late that saturday morning).

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