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Taking kids with bad allergies places

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My dd3 has really bad allergies, along with Asthma. With everything blooming she constantly sounds sick. She tends to cough a lot, along with the typical stuffiness. I feel so bad taking her places because I know people assume she has a bad (and contagious) cold. So, she's been coughing all day and has gym tonight. Do you guys just take them anyway? Should I say something to the teacher? Ugh....I feel so awkward when I know other moms are probably irritated thinking I brought my sick child around their kids!

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We had this issue for a couple years - until we got the allergies under control. I took my ds with us anyway. I made sure those in charge knew he had asthma and told a number of the moms around us. I was also known to give him a breathing treatment when we were out just so I could tell more people that it was, indeed, allergies. :grouphug:

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