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I have used them this year for the first time for my 5th grader. We have not used BJU before now, so I have only used the curriculum with the DVD's. Overall I really like them; it has been a good fit for us. Personally, I like the Christian content that is woven throughout the lessons. The teachers are much more chipper than I would be teaching, so I think that is a perk, too. I do wish some of them were a little more up-to-date. I emailed BJU about that and they said they redo a few each year so by the time my younger children get to 5th grade, it seems like they will have been redone.


It took us a couple months to make them work for us. If you do all the videos for all the subjects, it is a very long day. (Too long for homeschooling in my opinion.) We skip 2 of the videos and I save the subject that I think is least profitable until last. On days when we have other activities, I don't worry about not getting to it.


I spent the first 3 months of the school year dealing with morning sickness. The videos were GREAT to have during that time! DD was able to "do her thing" with minimal help from me. We plan to use them again next year as I will have a newborn and my husband will be deployed for the year. Although I know BJU isn't the strongest curriculum in EVERY subject, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks to me.


Hope that helps a smidge.



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We skip the video for history and handwriting. We didn't mind either of them, but it is just a way to shorten the day a little. My daughter misses SOTW (use to be her fav subject), so she sits in on history with her younger brother and just does the reading, worksheets, and tests for BJU history. Reading is the last subject she does. She probably gets to it 2-3 days a week as opposed to all 5.




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