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Teacher Notebook

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Hi everyone,

I remember a great discussion from the old board about teacher notebooks and what everyone includes in theirs. I am now doing planning for next year and wished I would have saved the info. Does anyone have a link to that thread? Or would anyone be willing to share what they include in their teacher notebook?



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I love having a planning binder. Inside I have our family's philosophy of education, our schedule, and a prayer in page protectors at the front. Then I have the next 4 to 6 weeks of TOG. I like being able to cart TOG around with me. I have tabbed sections for TOG activity pages, memory work, drills, maps, etc. I also have a file folder section where I file our TOG planning sheets and the kids' weekly checklists.

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Well, I'm looking at mine right now and here's what's in it!:


Our goals and vision for our homeschool.


2008 calendars


curriculum list of things to look at and what to order in the future


I have a tab section for each child with their daily schedule, chore list, reading list, transcripts for my oldest, and gift ideas (for birthdays and Christmas to write down ideas as I have them)


I have a section where I outline on a spreadsheet our lesson plans in each subject for the year.



I also have a household notebook where I put recipe ideas, menus, calendar for our general family schedule, chore lists, bill schedule, Christmas card lists, and warranties for our appliances.

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A clear plastic pencil case with Post-it notes in various sizes, a highlighter, and pencils LOL


A school year calendar from donnayoung.org

Month at a glance calendars, also from donnayoung.org

Home schooling resources listed by grade level for each of my dc

An "overview" with goals and plans for the school year for each of my dc. This page includes character goals, and memory work as well.

My "wish list",organized by subject

Ideas for field trips, correlated with each school year

Weekly planning pages for each of my dc, subdivided with a tabbed review sheet every six weeks

Tabbed dividers numbered 1-31 with poetry and memory work (thanks WTMindy for this idea : )

Our schedule for music appreciation, listed by composer, with a master list of classical CD's, with corresponding tracks noted

Our schedule for Art appreciation, listed chronologically by artist, referenced to all of the art books I own

Notes about science (in process)

A clear plastic page designed to hold business cards

An envelope (from Daytimer) with spaces to list all of my HSing purchases in columns , and file the receipts inside

Various pocket folder for miscellaneous things I collect

Names and addresses for our Home Schooling group


I love my planner!

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Mine has:


first and foremost, lots of slash pockets to hold stuff I want to put in my notebook but don't have time to file properly :001_smile:


also, it has a calendar from donnayoung.org, our immunization records, things I've printed from sites like this one that have words of wisdom I want to keep, and dictation sentences that I got from someone's website long ago.

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I love mine, and I thank Trivium Academy for jump starting my thought process on what would work for me and my family!


Mine has: (all in sheet protectors):

1. "Goals for This Year" for our family and each child (sheet protector)

2. Copy of lyrics from our Bible verse CD

3. Copy of some verses of encouragement from Marcia Somerville to keep me goin' when I have one of "those" days; DS's "contract" for this year is on the back.


Then, behind pocketed, multi-colored, tabbed dividers:


section 1. Weekly plan (printed out weekly from HST) with my Latin answer book and the frequently used word banks from our spelling program

section 2. Library Lists -- things I need to borrow from library; complied list of NEST videos I might want to get...

section 3. Long Range planning grids

section 4. History Guides -- pulled out from the SL IGs

section 5. Read Aloud Guides -- from SL IGs

section 6. Reader Guides -- from SL IGs

section 7. Kindergarten - handwriting lessons pulled out from a Reason for HAndwriting

section 8. Assorted notebooking pages -- this has been a huge help. No longer do I need to leave the couch to get some of the specially designed notebooking pages for our history/ science work! Score one for efficiency!


Good luck creating one that fits your needs!

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Wow, I feel like a bit of a slacker after reading this! My notebook is so simple.


The first page is a full-year calendar, where I simply check off those days which we do school (I am required by the state to do this, and in case I should ever be asked to show it, I want to have something simple which fulfills but does not exceed the requirement of the law. I don't want to show them my more detailed calendar, discussed below.)


The next sheet is a list of books for reading aloud for fun (no narrations or review questions, but good quality literature to enjoy.)


Then after that I have multiple copies of a page I designed which has columns of the days of the week, and rows of the subjects we cover. I simply fill it in as we go with what we've actually accomplished. I don't plan it out in advance. But seeing the empty squares there motivates me to fill them, so it keeps me on track pretty well.


That's it! I need to re-read this thread and see if I might benefit from adding some of the things you guys have.

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This is a great link - I actually used the Tanglewood Planner to help me create my record keeping pages (loved the circling idea) so I created a sheet in Word that is similar to their style, but personalized it with quotes from the Church Fathers at the top, and changed the topics to match what we do - I even have a place to circle which days they practice piano - it has helped me immensely. I love the Tanglewood Planner, it was money well spent years ago!

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