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When my 3rd child was around 3 or 4, he really liked to count up to ten, then continued on, "eleven, twelve, sis-een, sis-een, 81, 82, 83!" One day he counted the buttons on Daddy's shirt and proudly announced that there were 83 of them. :D

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Feeling embarrassed because I don't get it. What's with the latest comments about the number 42?


Don't feel embarassed. It's a reference to a popular humorous science fiction series by Douglas Adams that begins with a book called "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (it's been made into a movie, but the books are much better). In it, a supercomputer is built and runs for millenia with the single purpose of finding the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. When it finally reaches the end of its quest, it announces that the answer is "42". The problem is, nobody knows what the question actually is, so the answer is entirely useless.

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Don't feel embarassed. It's a reference to a popular humorous science fiction series by Douglas Adams that begins with a book called "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (it's been made into a movie, but the books are much better). In it, a supercomputer is built and runs for millenia with the single purpose of finding the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. When it finally reaches the end of its quest, it announces that the answer is "42". The problem is, nobody knows what the question actually is, so the answer is entirely useless.


I had forgotten about that. :D

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