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Guest momk2000

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Guest momk2000

I woke up around 4am, feeling a tickle on the side of my face. I went to scratch it, and eeewww gross, a stink bug was crawling on my face. It dropped down on the covers and I flicked it onto the floor (didn't want to squish it, but didn't know what else to do with it). My face started feeling all tingly, so I got up and looked in the mirror. The thing must have bit me! It was all red and felt strange. I washed the area with soapy water and went back to bed. It was at least an hour before I could fall back to sleep. I kept opening my eyes looking for the stinker!

When I got up this morning the redness was gone. Well just after lunch today, I saw the stinker crawling across a table (I sure hope it was the same one). I opened up a baggie, invited him to crawl in, and sealed it up tight! The kids got a thrill out of looking at him (can I count that as science for today?). I promised they could keep it in the baggie for observation, outside ONLY and ONLY if they promise not to smoosh it! Compared with some of the other stink bugs I have seen, this was a BIG sucker! I will likely be sleeping with my eyes half open from now on. :D

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YIKES.. I didn't know they bit and we have had a BILLION of them this year. I cant stand them.. one jumped on my leg in the shower last night I almost broke a hip trying to flick it off me.


for added fun we moved all the school stuff into the living room until I get the playroom/school room done. We had to take down some picture frames in the re-arranging and all the ones that where on exterior walls the backs of the frames had something like 30 stink bugs dd5 took them outside to count them and set them free... I was SOOOOOO grossed out I had no idea that the backs of our frames where stink bug night clubs... ick ick ick.

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Guest momk2000
YIKES.. I didn't know they bit and we have had a BILLION of them this year. I cant stand them.. one jumped on my leg in the shower last night I almost broke a hip trying to flick it off me.


for added fun we moved all the school stuff into the living room until I get the playroom/school room done. We had to take down some picture frames in the re-arranging and all the ones that where on exterior walls the backs of the frames had something like 30 stink bugs dd5 took them outside to count them and set them free... I was SOOOOOO grossed out I had no idea that the backs of our frames where stink bug night clubs... ick ick ick.


I didn't know they would bite either, until now - Gross!

When I can muster up the courage, I will check behind the picture frames on the walls! :eek:

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OMG I would have a heart attack. I periodically find them in my bathroom these days, and once my husband found one crawling on the desk in his computer room. I'd die (I really think I would) if I ever found one in my bed, let alone ON MY FACE WHILE I WAS SLEEPING.


I'm near hyperventilating just thinking about it.


<---- HATES bugs!

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Ewwww is right. :ack2: I'd probably never sleep again!


I've had many nightmares about a big spider crawling on my face while I'm sleeping, but it's never actually happened (that I know of anyway :blink:).


Then you are lucky!! I had one bite my cheek about 2 years ago and it was terrible. Within 24 hours the whole right side of my fice was so swollen it turned black and blue, my eye was swollen shut horribly bruised and the inside of my cheek down into my gum in the back swelled so bad I couldn't close my mouth. Even my ear canal swelled and my poor little ear looked someone had used it as a punching bag. It was terrible. Even after the swelling downed the bruising was so bad I would not go outside. I am all about saving a life but let a spider come near me and he is dead meat!!!

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