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What to wear for college visits?

Kimm in WA

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Wondering what is appropriate clothing for DS to wear to college visits in IL & IN. 2 of the schools we are visiting, we are also visiting the engineering dept. At the other 2 schools, DS is attending the "admitted student's day" event. I was thinking khaki's and a short-sleeved checked shirt.


Also, we are attending a reception in Seattle for students accepted at Cal Poly. It's at a fancy-shmancy hotel and the invitation says "no denim is allowed". I'm guessing dress slacks, shirt & tie for that one. It is an hors d' oeuvres reception. Am I over-doing it?


We used to live near Seattle, but ever since we moved to a more rural area on the other side of the state which is WAY more casual (people wear jeans to some funerals!), I have a hard time knowing what is appropriate for events outside of our little world.



Kimm in WA

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I'd agree with you - I'd at least go with the business casual for most of them (khaki's, nice shirt - like a polo or collared-shirt, at minimum). He'd be comfortable, but look well put together and make a good impression. If you're going to a ball game or something really casual, then obviously denim, nice shirt works then.

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we did business casual,

sometimes he wore khaki's and a shirt and tie.

or the polo shirt


I liked that he looked NICE when he was meeting these people. We told him he was putting his best foot forward.


This is what we did too with oldest, however, when he had scholarship interviews, those were in coat & tie. He didn't look out of place anywhere he went.

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DD wore a very nice gray pantsuit with a pretty white blouse and a red scarf...black business shoes. She looked really great. This worked quite well to her advantage because the admission's people immediately identified her as a serious candidate. It also helped that she was inquisitive, interesting to talk to, confident, and engaged. This was in contrast to a huge slew of perspective freshman wearing stretched and faded tee-shirts, jeans that were fashionably baggie and looked like they'd been through WWII, greasy, long unkept hair, making no eye contact, and not asking any questions or showing interest in the campus. It just seems that a lot of young people have not been taught about first impressions, dressing for success, attention to detail, etc.


DS when he goes on his first visit (summer 2012) will be wearing dress pants, sport coat, white shirt, wing tips, and possibly a tie if there is an interview involved. If no interview and he won't be hob knobbing with anyone truly important, then we'll let him down grade to chino's, white button down, no tie, and really nice loafers.


Dd dresses nicely for all of her pre-med and paramedic classes. It works in her favor because not one other single student does so and the professors are very impressed with the ones that make the effort and look professional.



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Here is my funny story. Keep in mind we live near the beach, so everything is casual. I thought, I'm the mom, I can't wear tennis shoes, so I get a nicer pair of shoes on....... It had just rained, the booths were set up on the lawn, and the glue failed in my shoes. They literally fell apart, I had to go to the bookstore to get tape to tape them together. The admissions officer joked that I made my point about financial aid!!! LOL Imagine me on the tour with crackling tape every step.... which ruined my usual liking to be close to invisible.


Anyway, I am taking my next one to a campus day this Saturday, and I will wear tennis shoes. I have learned my lesson.


We did tour College of Charleston four years ago, there was everything from dressed up to very casual. At minimum, you do need comfortable shoes because you will be walking A LOT.


I do believe if you are interviewing for a program and/or financial scholarships, you should look nice. :)

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My dd wore what she would wear to a job interview for college interviews. For campus visits she wore neutral, student/school attire and comfy shoes. The shoes were the most important item. I bought some cute puma-looking schlepping sneakers and survived all the tours in them. I would advise a nice jacket or sweater along with whatever the student is wearing as they may move from building to building for the tours and meetings.....cold, wet can be factors.

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Well, I did not wear the tennis shoes like I should have..... it was mid 80s, no breeze, HOT, so I wore sandals.... and now I have my blistered swollen feet up.... oh my aching feet!!! Dd's feet are full of blisters as well.


Just passing this on so you know to wear very comfortable shoes! And.... no one was dressed up. It was not a specific appointment, but an advertised campus day.

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