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Help! So stuck for History/Literature

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Hello to all..new to posting on this board, but I am in need of help on choosing History/Literature for next year.


I am planning for next year and I am not sure which way to go. I have a ds will be in 7th and dd will be in 2nd. We are currently using SL and for the most part absolutely love it. However, I think that my ds needs more for next year. We were looking at core 6, but I am worried it might not be challenging enough for him. Some of the books seem to be a little below his level and I think the discussion questions are a little weak. I know that he would also enjoy a few more hands on projects.


I have recently read WTM and find myself fully identifying with it. Also, have looked into TOG. I think that we would find more of what we need in either of these programs. But...


We are moving to Germany in a few months, and I cannot rely on getting book from our library - I've been told it is small. I will need to have all the books needed on hand. So, SL seems to be the better option for that.


SL's schedules really kept us on track. I liked knowing exactly where we were and where we were headed at all times. I am honestly scared of making schedules on my own. I don't want to find myself way over my head.


Is it possible to successfully include some WTM methods with SL to make it a more challenging program? But then if I'm changing it so much, is it worth it to buy the IG? I am so confused, and so very tired of researching - any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Michelle :confused: :banghead:

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Hello to all..new to posting on this board, but I am in need of help on choosing History/Literature for next year.


I am planning for next year and I am not sure which way to go. I have a ds will be in 7th and dd will be in 2nd. We are currently using SL and for the most part absolutely love it. However, I think that my ds needs more for next year. We were looking at core 6, but I am worried it might not be challenging enough for him. Some of the books seem to be a little below his level and I think the discussion questions are a little weak. I know that he would also enjoy a few more hands on projects.


I have recently read WTM and find myself fully identifying with it. Also, have looked into TOG. I think that we would find more of what we need in either of these programs. But...


We are moving to Germany in a few months, and I cannot rely on getting book from our library - I've been told it is small. I will need to have all the books needed on hand. So, SL seems to be the better option for that.


SL's schedules really kept us on track. I liked knowing exactly where we were and where we were headed at all times. I am honestly scared of making schedules on my own. I don't want to find myself way over my head.


Is it possible to successfully include some WTM methods with SL to make it a more challenging program? But then if I'm changing it so much, is it worth it to buy the IG? I am so confused, and so very tired of researching - any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Michelle :confused: :banghead:


I have done something similar to what you are asking. We are using SL 6 as our first intro to a historical period. Then I set the SL aside and do several weeks of WTM style outlining and research. It will take us more than a year to go through all the weeks of the SL 6 core, but that is intentional and fine with me. I like that we have a minimum base level intro to the period and then have several more weeks to dig in. We're doing middle ages right now. I've gotten papers on weapons, Thomas a Becket and this week will get some on medieval building techniques.


I went ahead and bought all of the books for SL 6. They will last me about 1.5 years. I also am using a history encyclopedia and books from our personal library. If you are going to be doing research on historical topics, then you might think through what resources your ds will use for this. We use some of our own books, some from the library and some internet. You might want to check used book stores for a copy of the Durant series The Story of Civilization. It might be a little dry for your ds and I wouldn't recommend just assigning it, but it would provide a research resource for many topics. I've seen them in used book sales at a reasonable price. Another option might be a computer based encyclopedia like World Book.


And don't forget the wonderful field trips you can have. There are Roman ruins in Germany and something from every historical period since then. Plus the big museums have wonderful collections of ancient art. We were really spoiled there. Where will you be living?


If you are headed to a US military base, you would have access to not only the base library but the DOD school libraries (I always found it hard to make time to hit the school libraries. But the base librarians knew us by name. :lol:)


If you won't have access to a base, you might check to see if a German-English state school or an international school would give you library privileges. When we lived in Berlin, I was able to use the library at one school as a "community member". We could only have 8 books out at a time, but it was a godsend.

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I am currently looking at 6th grade, with an advanced reader, just so you know--


I've looked at the topics for Modern History in 3 curriculums--SOTW 4, TOG, and the free curriculum American 2 at Guest Hollow. I've gleaned fiction and nonfiction from these and from both Sonlight 7 and WP's American Cultures, and have been prereading. A lot of the book rec's overlap, which tells me the book is probably pretty interesting.


My plan is to use a narrative spine (the "decade" books by Feinstein, SOTW 4 and The Century for Young People are my top contenders, but I also want to look at k12's history book) and then have dd read further about the topic in the Kingfisher or DK Definitive History book. I've started to pick historical fiction and some nonfiction resources to coordinate with each topic. Then we'll just go thru the spine, add in the reading, and do narrations and some online guides (for example, there's a good one for Across 5 Aprils that I might adapt--has some good questions and vocab). She can pick some topics to do more research in, and we can do some cooking and other projects once a week.


I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I have lots of time to do it.


What does that have to do with you? LOL


Well, I think Sonlight is fine, and if you just add in looking up some topics in an encyclopedia and writing either a simple outline or 10 facts or something, and then have ds do some extra research, you'll be fine. Make sure he's writing enough.


I can send you my booklist, if you want, but Sonlight's is fine. I would go to TOG's website and look there for books, also.

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Depending on when you go to Germany, as the end of most people's school year rolls around there will be LOTS of people selling used TOG with huge book packages. There are often almost complete core packages being sold by people. I need a full UG and D Year 1 set and I'm pretty sure I'll get one here or at the TOG site used in the next few months.

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You could also look at VP Omnibus. It uses a focuses on a smaller number of books, has the discussion you're looking for, and comes pre-scheduled on the cd in the text. You could even sign up for an online class for part of it if you wanted.


Just gives you another option. TOG is great too. We're doing 7th next year, and I've been going through that whole WTM/Omnibus vs. TOG thing. I think it's just a matter of preferences and practicality, as both ways would be good. If you want the schedule but more of a WTM/GB approach, look at Omnibus.

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Thank you all for your suggestions - I think we are going to stick with Sonlight and just add in some more notebook work and hands on activities, for the time being. Although I reserve the right to change my mind once I get to check everything out at a conference. :001_smile:


My husband I decided that it would be better to stick with what we know, and like, while we are in the middle of such a big transition, we don't need to add more confusion to the mix. Plus I like the idea of having everything I need on hand. I probably will not have the chance to get to know the area we will be in for quite awhile and we will have already started on school by then. Maybe if I find a good library system, I can revisit this for the following school year.


I do plan on switching to Omnibus, TOG, or something?? once we get to high school, but I have a little more time to research that.


Thank you again for all of your help!



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