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Speech Therapy at home?

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Zoie has horrible speech. I can umderstand her, but most other people, including dad, cannot. And she's 6 1/2. We went through some speech therapy last year, working a few specific letters, but it seems that her speech, in general, has gotten worse, or maybe just hasn't moved forward. Anybody do speech therapy at home, as in DIY? And if so, what programs do you recommend? She has specific problems with J, SH & CH, and the classic R & W sounds.


Thanks :001_smile:

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DD6 (will be 7 next month) is/was like this. She's been in speech therapy since she was 21 months old. We did private speech therapy and then therapy through the public school system from 4-5 years old. Right after she turned 6, I pulled her out of therapy because it was doing absolutely nothing.


I tried some therapy at home, but I was basically just doing the same thing as the school system. The materials were good though (I purchased some materials from http://www.linguisystems.com/ ) that I used for a while.


Then I decided to have her tested for auditory and visual processing disorders. Sure enough.....she had both. My daughter was having trouble learning to read too. Not sure if yours is or not. But we have finished with the visual therapy and are just beginning the auditory therapy. The auditory therapy is what should help more with her speech issues. She does seem to be a bit better though. And this is my child who could be understood by no one except her family. It has effected her so much that she was labeled with selective mutism because she was afraid to talk to outsiders because she was afraid they would not understand her.


Not sure if this may be your daughters case, but I thought I'd tell you our story just in case. The materials from Linguisystems are really good though. My DD enjoyed doing them each day.

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Was it a private speech therapist or through the school district?


How many times a week did she attend?


If one speech therapist does not work out then I would seek out another. At 6 1/2 I would be very concerned that no one can understand my child.



My son spent 8 years in speech therapy. We did early intervention when he was younger and when he was 3 I found the most amazing speech therapist that he was with for the next 5 years (plus therapy at school, which I don't count because it was mostly a waste of time).

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Honestly, I think a major part of her problem is that she is lazy :glare: or youngest child syndrome. She is the youngest, and QUITE small for her size (maybe in the lowest 5th percent, but has been off the chart at times). So I think people might not be expecting much from her, so she's rising to the level of the expections. BUT, when Daddy can't understand her, then, at 6 1/2, I think we need to work on it.


I've been thinking on just working on her enunciation at home. It would be MUCH cheaper. I'm not sure I want to venture into the school system.

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Honestly, I think a major part of her problem is that she is lazy :glare: or youngest child syndrome. She is the youngest, and QUITE small for her size (maybe in the lowest 5th percent, but has been off the chart at times). So I think people might not be expecting much from her, so she's rising to the level of the expections. BUT, when Daddy can't understand her, then, at 6 1/2, I think we need to work on it.


I've been thinking on just working on her enunciation at home. It would be MUCH cheaper. I'm not sure I want to venture into the school system.


We've had luck with Super Star Speech. You can order it on Amazon or currclick. There's also a website.

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