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Ordering TOG for the first time - need advice!


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Next year will be first grade for us, so we're just getting started.


I've been perusing the TOG site and playing around with both the print and DE samples off and on for months but I'm finally ready to order. Even though I know I will be printing a lot of pages on my own, I've decided to go DE because of the included updates. I know it would always drive me crazy not to have the latest version.


But I need help with ordering the supplements. I know I want Map Aids and DH wants Pop Quiz. I am leaning towards Writing Aids just because it is a one time purchase, right? (Although I think we will still do FLL and WWE in the early years.) But I am at a total loss regarding Evaluations. Does anyone have any input?


And I'm a bit unclear as to how the supplements are handled in the DE version. Can anyone with some DE experience help explain it to me?

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I would not recommend evaluations for 1st grade. I used the unit 1 lap book and used that as review and evaluation (oral). I wish I bought the other units. They were perfect for keeping on task and picking out the really important info to remember. Evaluations would be a bit much at this young age.


I used SOTW as an UG spine and liked the SOTW AG maps better. They were easier for me and the kids. I do plan to use the TOG maps in the upper levels though.


I did not get the Writing Aids, but wish I had. I will adding it to my TOG yr 2 DE order.


Have fun, and take it easy. TOG can be a ton of fun if you don't put too much pressure on yourself. Read, enjoy, and lap book!

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I wouldn't bother getting Writing Aids right now. You can always add it later if you want. I love Map Aids, so I'd personally recommend that. And I really like having the Evaluations around, as well. We might not use them every week, but I like having them there when we do. I tend to use them more for worksheets, though, than tests, per say. That said, my kids don't like lapbooks. If they did, that would be plenty, too, for first grade.


For DE, they'll be on your interface. When you go to the Download Center, you'll have a bunch of stuff to download. After it's all installed, when you open your interface, you go to the unit you're working on, then the week you're on. Click on the week, and it'll open a menu that has all of the supplements on it. Click on the supplement you want, then it will open to the left. Click on the level you want. :)

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We bought all the supplements for Year 1 but I am cutting back on them for next year.


- Lapbooks: We have been enjoying these but I should be able to make my own with a little extra time invested. Also, we will be adding Canadian content so I need to adjust for that. We will not be getting these for next year. We have invested on the CD for Year 1 and I had to spend the time printing them anyway.


- Evaluations: We have not been using them much and I don't see it worth spending the money for the LG level. Saving these to use more later (we bought all the levels for Year 1). I will be buying them again probably at the D level.


- Map Aids: I found it to be a worthwhile purchase and I am glad we bought it. We have been using the Draw and Caption activity from it and I intend to use it for activities we like. It is a great resource to have, I feel, as it covers all grade levels. We also use WWE.


- Pop Quiz: We are not using it much at all for the LG level. Saving that for later also. I will not be buying these next year for LG but will consider them again later.


- Map Aids: We are definitely buying these again.


So for us, since we already own Year 2 (and 3 :)), all I will be getting is Map Aids for next year.

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Wait until WA goes on sale. You don't really need it for 1st grade, but you may eventually want it. I bought it back in Nov when it was on sale for 25% off. I would imagine that it will go on sale again eventually.


Oh, thank you! I didn't realize that any of it ever went on sale (aside from the mismatched print sets). I'll be sure to keep my eye out for this!

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I am using TOG with a 1st grader right now! My opinion on supplements:


POP Quiz: DH just wasn't interested...so we never got them.


Evaluations: we use them sometimes, but if I had to choose one thing to give up that I got before, this would be the supplement I would choose-at least for this level!


Map Aids: A must! What we found works best, was to also buy some clear addy labels and print off the names of the places to label on the map. This way DD didnt have to try and write all the difficult names on the map, but can use her stickers. I will let her label them in her own handwriting when she is older!


Writing Aids: I would base this on your kids writing (as in are they able to write their letters clearly). My DD could easily write sentences this year, so the writing aids has been a hit. If a child is really struggling with fine motor skills, writing aids might be too much writing.


Lapbooks- DD loves these. I agree that you could make them, but honestly I do not have that additional time to put into that, so I like having it all right there on the CD for me to just hit print. Also, I have other young children that I can use the lapbooks with later, so it is just worth it to me to have the CD.


Hope that helps!

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If there's a lot of name writing, we just do the writing together, otherwise Adrian does his own writing. I would consider the labels for a younger child that doesn't write much though.

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