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AAS Level 1...How long??


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So, I have decided to go with AAS!! YAY for decisions made!! Anyway, I am wondering how long Level ! should take to complete? Or at least a rough estimate! I have looked at the website and cannot find anything that tells me how many lessons is in Level 1? Thanks!



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How old is your child? There are 24 lessons, and we did around 1 lesson/week with my 7-year-old, but we had to go back and review some. It is a mastery-based program so you take as long as you need for each lesson! It really depends on how much work you want to get done/how many times a week you do spelling/how long you want your sessions to be etc.

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This will vary based on your child. There are 24 steps in Level 1, but each step isn't necessarily one days worth of lesson. Some people's children do a step a day (especially if they are older) others will take 2 days on a step, some even take a week on each step.

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It took my 6 year old 3 weeks, but he's a good reader and had had most of the phonics introduced at that level. I think the only thing new to him was when to use c,k, and ck.


I'm glad I got level 1 and 2 at the same time! We're going slower through level 2. I think we've averaged 2 steps per week at this level, so half the pace we were doing. And really, it's the physical act of writing that slowed us down. Lots of dictation sentences (i don't use them all, but he can only write one or two at a time now that they're longer).

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My son is 5, midway through kinder and just finished level 1, we started after christmas. We did about a lesson a day but sometimes we didn't get to it, so maybe 3-4x a week. So it took us about 2.5 months.


The first three lessons are very basic and are meant to be sort of in tandem with each other, and if your child knows all the basic phonograms those lessons will go very quickly.


I think AAS works best if you decide how long you can reasonably spend on spelling each day and just work on it for that time or until you finish a lesson.


The beauty of the program is that you can pick up and start whenever and just move to the next level when your child is ready. If you have a longer summer break in the middle of a lesson, just plan for a week or two of review when you pick back up.

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