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Doxycycline ... questions ...

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Has anyone here taken this or know anything about this medication? It is an antibiotic that the doctor prescribed for my sinus infection. I have looked up the side effects and one side effect that isn't mentioned, but that both myself and a co-worker have experienced from this medication is insomnia. Also ... I just feel weird. I don't know exactly how to explain this.


Anyone have any insight?

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I'll bump you up a bit. All I know is that Dh took it for a malaria prophylaxis (sp?) and long-term use can do a number on your stomach. I'm talking months of use, though - if you're just doing a typical antibiotic course it shouldn't be a problem. It didn't cause nearly as many mental side-effects on him as the Larium I took did on me, though . . .


(Maybe that explains my weirdness . . . :D)


Mama Anna

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I am having side effects. The only way I can even keep it down is to eat a lot of food. I am also having heartburn ... and just feeling wired. I haven't been sleeping well and just feel really bleh. I have been on it since Monday.

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Definitely take with food. It's been many years since I had to take it for Lyme Disease and I definitely had some side effects. When I asked the doc about it he said I had to take it with food. But he hadn't advised me of this beforehand nor was the med labeled as such. :glare:

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My dd's and husband all took it last summer for malaria prophylaxis during a trip to India. They were on it for 6 weeks, so the side effects were noticeable.


It did not affect my dh, but both dd's had problems. They both had stomach issues: queasiness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Dd #1 also had insomnia and anxiety which lasted well after the time she stopped the antibiotic. She also describe a feeling of "watching her life" rather than living it. I would not have understood how she felt, but that's how I felt on steroids, so I knew what she meant. Is that the "weird" feeling you're describing?


Dd #1 did not improve until she started taking probiotics on a regular basis.

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I took it as a malaria prophylaxis too for a while, but it gave me such terrible sun sensitivity I had to switch to another drug. I didn't have any other side effects though. (Larium was another, more psychedelic story... yuck...) Sounds like a call to the doctor is in order though, it seems likely there's an alternative antibiotic you could use that would sit better with you.

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I do plan on calling the doctor on Monday (and not taking any more between now and then). I have been taking it with food and am still having issues. I think the "watching my life happen" might be fairly close to what I am experiencing. My sinus infection isn't getting any better with it either so ... time to try something else.

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