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Why is this segment of Christianity called "the dark side?"



Hi, Jennifer. :) I think it is really just a silly term that was made up for a certain thread here. I have been Reformed for 10 years, and had never heard that term used before until here. I think it's just a WTM thing. ;)


ETA: Sorry, i.love.lucy pretty much summed it up and I didn't see that before posting! :D

Edited by herbalgirl
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Yeah, I hear it again and again. Someone said "welcome to the dark side," in this thread. I'm wondering where that comes from, and what does it mean.


A few years ago, right after some very lenghthy threads about the horrors of Reformed theology ;), someone asked about TOG and if they could use it even though there is Reformed theology in it. I made a joke that they could just come over to "the dark side" and then they could happily use TOG with no fear. In subsequent threads, people began using it as a way to mark "Reformed content," and it stuck. It's a tongue in cheek way of acknowledging the negative way many Christians view Reformed theology. :001_smile:

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A few years ago, right after some very lenghthy threads about the horrors of Reformed theology ;), someone asked about TOG and if they could use it even though there is Reformed theology in it. I made a joke that they could just come over to "the dark side" and then they could happily use TOG with no fear. In subsequent threads, people began using it as a way to mark "Reformed content," and it stuck. It's a tongue in cheek way of acknowledging the negative way many Christians view Reformed theology. :001_smile:

So it was YOU! :D :tongue_smilie:

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A few years ago, right after some very lenghthy threads about the horrors of Reformed theology ;), someone asked about TOG and if they could use it even though there is Reformed theology in it. I made a joke that they could just come over to "the dark side" and then they could happily use TOG with no fear. In subsequent threads, people began using it as a way to mark "Reformed content," and it stuck. It's a tongue in cheek way of acknowledging the negative way many Christians view Reformed theology. :001_smile:



and here I was, sure it was because we are so yummy, like Dark chocolate...:D:D:D

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My church is loosely associated with the Southern Baptist Conv. We affirm the Doctrines of Grace, are elder-led, our teaching pastor preaches and teaches expositionally, and we are credo-baptist. No BonJovi music to start the service. No pastors with jeans and t-shirts. No topical sermons about how to have your best life now. :D


We have what we call Core beliefs, like the gospel and the sovereignty of God. Then there are Characteristic beliefs, that characterize us as a church body, but other Christians might have different beliefs, like credo-baptism. Then we have Charity beliefs that we think scripture is less clear on so lets not be devisive about. Like eschatology or alcohol, things like that.


I wasn't hung up on finding So Baptist, but my dh was, so there ya go. I looked at Bible churches, Ev Free, and many others. Often it just wasn't that clear. When we found our church, it was plainly stated on the website that they affirm Doctrines of Grace, so that was a great start and told us a lot. But it's frustrating when so many churches have a very generic statement of faith. Yes, obviously the gospel is the most important, but surely these churches have other important things they affirm, right? That's why I was glad to find resources like 9 Marks, or john MacArthur's seminary alumni search.


I looked at the 9 Marks website and found one, just as an example, in Colorado Springs. But you can also google expository preaching for your city and churches where that is important should pop up. That would be a good place to start.


The "dark side" thing was just a term that was coined to be funny originally by Heather in NC, right Heather? Personally I think it fits, and has nothing to do with dark forces or anything like that. This is not meant to be offensive at all...but there are so many that go to these huge bible churches and hear these topical "themey" book based sermons, that get NO deep understanding of scripture or who God is at all. It's all about the love and being accepting and understanding to everyone. If you affirm the Doctrines of Grace, you are saying we are incapable of saving ourselves, we must have God's grace calling us to Him, and not everyone is called. And you might come across as more academic in your scripture study because you really get into digging in deep into God's word and not just finding all the neat little scriptures that go with your sermon on "patience" or whatever. You are into Hermaneutics. You read books like Systematic Theology for fun. It's the Dark Side! :D


Heather, it sounds like you and I oughta go to the same church!



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