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FIAR Fold & Learn?? Have you bought these and liked them?


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The FIAR Fold & Learn from their digital website. We are doing A story about Ping thise week and Lentil next week. I was taking a look at the Fold and Learn and thought they looked good from what I could see.


Have you bought them and used them? Are they appropriate for K'ers that aren't reading yet? The lapbooks on homeschool share are to advanced for them.....

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You will find a wide variety of opinions which can get a bit heated if you are a loyal FIAR fan. :)


If you don't care for HSS, you may love FIAR FNL's. I am the opposite - we are loyal FIAR users for the past 5 years, but I was very disappointed in the FNL's.


The ones I purchased were just a bunch of pictures to cut and paste...not really very many directions, etc. I prefer HSS because each component has something for the child to write themselves, different mini-books to fold, etc.


That said, there are those who love FNL's! :D So, that's just my .02.

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I agree with Candace. I have only bought one and it was enough for me to know that I will never ever do that again. Yet I am a FIAR fan. We have so much fun, but FnL are not for us. Even my dd didn't like it. And yes, the instructions were vague. I also found the price high.

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I personally prefer the Hand of a Child lapbooks to the FNLs. Yes, they are a bit more pricey. But, they are much more involved and have a lot more to them. We don't do one for every book...just the faves. :D For the others, we use HSS. For ex, we just used All About Ping from HOAC and LOVED it! We also have Mike Mulligan from HOAC and love that one, too. I try to purchase some when they are on sale. :D

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We're not cutty-pasty people. We don't do FNLs or lapbooks. You can check otu my blog (in my sig) if you want to see how rowing works for us without those elements.


Keep in mind that even though a lot of FIAR families lapbook (and especially, a lot of people who blog about FIAR do them), it was not originally part of the curriculum at all. If you totally love scrapbooking, go for it, but if it's just making work for you, know that you can have deeply educational and fun times with FIAR without lapbooking.

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I agree with the above posters, we had much more fun with the resources we found through homeschoolshare or simply searching the book title + lapbook. The creativity shared by others is priceless... the $9 I spent on FnLs through FIAR, not so much. :(

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I agree with the above posters, we had much more fun with the resources we found through homeschoolshare or simply searching the book title + lapbook. The creativity shared by others is priceless... the $9 I spent on FnLs through FIAR, not so much. :(

Ditto. We use the freebies from HSS or create our own with their templates and Google! The pre-made stuff has just NOT been worth it.

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I have used both and loved both. I found the FNL to be good for my little one when she couldn't do much/any writing. She had fun just cutting out the pictures and arranging them herself. I prefer the HSS ones, but my children get frustrated sometimes with not having enough room to write on the lapbook piece. We've never had trouble with that with the HOAC ones. Love those too.

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I've bought 3 of the fold and learns and liked all of them. I do think they are priced a bit high for what is there but I would possibly buy them in the future. I haven't gotten to very many FIAR books this year with how hectic our schedule has been lately. We did do the fold and learn for Ping and it was fun. I actually brought the lapbooks we made for that one to our homeschool review they turned out so nicely.

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I agree with Candace. I have only bought one and it was enough for me to know that I will never ever do that again. Yet I am a FIAR fan. We have so much fun, but FnL are not for us. Even my dd didn't like it. And yes, the instructions were vague. I also found the price high.


:iagree: Sorry you bought Ping and didn't like it. I bought the Peter Rabbit one and never used it - there were no instructions! I love lapbooks and FIAR, but just not FnL's.

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You will find a wide variety of opinions which can get a bit heated if you are a loyal FIAR fan. :)



The ones I purchased were just a bunch of pictures to cut and paste...not really very many directions, etc. I prefer HSS because each component has something for the child to write themselves, different mini-books to fold, etc.


:iagree: Didn't enjoy all the cut and paste!

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