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Anyone do business with Beginnings Publishing House lately? (Rainbow Science people)

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I see they haven't updated their info. on their main site about Colors since July 2010, so I'm wondering if everything is still A-OK in other areas (shipping, etc.). I'm wanting to use Rainbow for my 12yo next year for when he's in 7th grade, but I need to buy the consumable lab kit. So if they have gone belly-up I need to be looking for something else.

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I read in reviews on Amazon that there are errors, grammatical as well as scientific. True?


They have a document on their website that lists errata - There is quite a bit, I thought - but too late to change my mind! At least its there for me to mark in the book!!


One tip I have for this program - don't assume that you can leave your 7th grader to do it independently and to retain it at the same time. The descriptions sound very tempting to do just that - but at seventh grade/12 years old - most kids have not become independent enough to actually take the time to digest and understand!! Read through the parent's guide and have discussions with your student. Be available during the labs to see if they are understanding the point of the lab and actually doing it correctly.


In addition to answering the exercises at the end of each lesson - I have my son write about the boldface words in the lesson.


Quizzes are also available on the website. There's one after every two labs. I use this to teach my child how to study for a test. To go back over his notes and labs - can he tell what the bold face words are - does he remember and understand the concepts, etc.


If you read through past posts - lack of retention was one of the disadvantages for this program, but if you remain active in your students studies, I think this can be overcome.

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