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Way to go, Rosie. Now all the internet predators can find her.


*choke* giggle. :lol::lol::D


I've always liked this Aubrey too. Although I'm sure Aubrey hates that song. lol People used to always sing Jennifer Juniper to me when they first found out my name. :ack2: I hate that song with the power of a 1,000 suns!

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that's too bad. My Grandpa used to sing it to me, so I love it! :D


If it had been my grandpa I probably would have too, but he didn't. It was always people I'd just met for the first time that sang it. It always went something like this.


Person: "What's your name?"


Me: "Jennifer"


Person: "Oh just like that song. 'Jennifer Juniper...'"


Me: *trying not to scream* :lol::lol:


My brother also hates Donny Osmond because he looked so much like him. All his life people would say to him, "Hey! Do you know who you look like?" lol

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