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If you were going to buy ONE TOG Unit which one would it be?


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Want to buy one Unit of TOG for ME . . . we are using HOD for the next two years (which I am VERY thrilled with for my kiddos) but TOG has always been on the forefront of my mind. I do know all about the 3 week samples but I want to buy a Unit of DE for ME to play with, no pressure, just play and live with it. It's up for consideration for logic stage. I just have to KNOW if I'd use it or not . . .


So, which one should I buy to give me the best, overall picture of TOG at all levels?


Easy question, eh?? :001_smile:

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Hmm, I would say not a unit from Year 1, because it hasn't been updated yet. Also perhaps not Year 2, because it's known for being the most challenging as far as being fast paced and hard to cram everything in. (we plan on taking 1 1/2 years to complete Year 2). So perhaps a unit from Year 3 that interests you?

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I would buy a unit from Year 1 (given that I am "type A" I would probably get Unit 1...:D).

With the DE you should not have a problem concerning the planned update - you will be able to update when that comes out...




I guess the reason I suggesting she NOT get Year 1, is because several people have indicated frustration in finding answers to certain questions, etc. I just didn't want her to get frustrated with Year 1 and give up, thinking all the years all like that. Each Year plan has improved upon the previous one I think.

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I would get a unit from your personal favorite time period. I really don't know how else to narrow it down. I'm flipping through my binders saying Year 1, Unit 1 since Ancient Egypt is fun and you can see the Bible integration; no wait, Yr 2 Unit 1 cuz my kids LOVED the knights and castles; no no no, Yr 3 Unit 3 cuz the lit choices look so good...........Really all the years are good. Buying Unit 1 from any given year probably makes good sense so you can see how it starts out but it really would not make much difference. HTH!

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Hmm, I would say not a unit from Year 1, because it hasn't been updated yet. Also perhaps not Year 2, because it's known for being the most challenging as far as being fast paced and hard to cram everything in. (we plan on taking 1 1/2 years to complete Year 2). So perhaps a unit from Year 3 that interests you?


I agree with this. I would not get a unit from year one as it is currently being revamped due to it not being up to par with the other years. If you want to get the best taste for what TOG has to offer, I would definitely choose a year that has been fully updated. Y1 is also heavy on the Bible history, and while that's not a *bad* thing, I really don't think it will give you full flavor of everything that TOG has to offer. Plus, it really does sound like the upgrades they've made to the other years are huge improvements to what the current Y1 is like.


I would personally choose a year where you are familiar with the time period and books for that time period, that way you can compare what books TOG recommends with what books you'd like your kids to read/study. It will also give you a better feel for how informative the program is and how thorough the teacher notes are and if they will work for you.


Just my 2c. FWIW, I'm just starting with TOG Y1 in the fall after pouring over my purchase for the last 3 months. I took the leap to buy TOG after extensively review Y2U2 and was thoroughly impressed with everything it had to offer. I didn't get to choose the year or unit though, it's just what was offered to me at the time. I found it really did make a huge difference to have an entire unit to flip through at my leisure. I'm not sure I would have been as sold on TOG had I not been able to do that.

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My oldest son will be studying American history this next year . . . I may go ahead with a Unit from Year 2 then. Since I have no pressure and it's just for me to explore and play around with that would suit me fine. We love that time period and it's likely I may have some of the relevant books lying around from Unit One or Two.

:drool: I'm beginning to drool at the mere thought of buying a TOG Unit.


I wouldn't mind more suggestions . . . :D

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