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Help me identify my ds's rash, please. :)

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Ds, 8, had a rash on his right hand this winter. I figured it was excema, as his younger brother has it. I really didn't pay that much attention to it, we just used Eucerin creme on it nightly. We started at some point to put a steroid creme prescribed by the doctor for my younger ds's excema. It did help on his hand, and his hand has cleared up. But, he now has a rash on his knees, backs of his knees, elbows and buttocks (spread in that order). It doesn't look like the dry itchy skin of excema. It is raised, pustules, small and round. It is itchy, but he doesn't scratch it all the time. I'm a little scared it sounds like a rash that those with Celiac disease get. Anyone have any ideas? I have a doctor's appointment in June for him, but I'm thinking I should move it up. What does the Hive mind think? :confused:

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Molluscum is what I was thinking too. Do they look like little white head pimples? If this is what they are - it can take several months to clear up. I've had two sons with it. The ped said to wait it out (18 - 24 months!!) or he suggested a dermatologist that could treat them with some kind of extract from a beetle (!!) DS heard him mention that it would cause discomfort for a day or so and he said he'd wait it out! We waited and rpayed and both time they went away earlier than the 18 - 24 months. You could also try apple cider vinegar (soaked cotton ball applied with a band aid overnite) . I'm not sure if that really helped or not, but it seemed to appease my younger child.

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but it didn't turn out. The boys are all sleeping and the flash was too bright for the dark room. We just see a big white arm. :tongue_smilie:


It doesn't look like the picture of molluscum at wikkipedia. The bumps are located together, and there are 100 or so on each knee, a few less than that on his elbows and it has just started on his buttocks. Hmmm, I think I'll be trying to call the peds office on Monday! Keep the ideas coming. :)

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